Recent content by theOrange

  1. theOrange

    Comparing Abaqus/Patran/Nastran for FEM Analysis

    I've decided to continue with Patran. I have a question about it though, is it possible to export the geometry of the deformed part?
  2. theOrange

    Comparing Abaqus/Patran/Nastran for FEM Analysis

    Yep, this is basically what my conclusion is so far. Thanks for the help. That is exactly my question. In what problems does one have an advantage over the other (if it exists). For example, abaqus is a bit stronger is non-linear problems. Maybe, for example, patran gives better results for...
  3. theOrange

    Comparing Abaqus/Patran/Nastran for FEM Analysis

    I feel like people are misunderstanding the original question. I am not asking which software is the best. I am asking which one has an advantage over the other for specific situations. If such a list isn't possible to make, then so be it.
  4. theOrange

    Comparing Abaqus/Patran/Nastran for FEM Analysis

    No, the deformation is elastic. Therefore we don't know for sure if it is linear or non-linear. Hopefully this week or next week I'll be able to do a test in Patran to see if it is linear/non-linear.
  5. theOrange

    Comparing Abaqus/Patran/Nastran for FEM Analysis

    Yep, I have read that Abaqus is stronger when concerning a non-linear problem. For my project we aren't sure whether it is a linear or non-linear problem. I'm planning on running a test to see if it is linear/non-linear.
  6. theOrange

    Comparing Abaqus/Patran/Nastran for FEM Analysis

    Well at the moment I'm just looking for a general comparison between the two. What applications is Patran better than Abaqus, and what application abaqus is better than Patran. As for my project: I'll be deforming a CAD model of a flat plate, towards a 3d scan. The 3d scan is of the plate but...
  7. theOrange

    Model Rocket Help: Achieve a Glide for Contest

    Wings which fold out sounds like a good idea. Could also use swept wings as the stabilizers during launch configuration. Once at max altitude the swept wings could fold out (like on the F-14) into a more or less glider configuration. You will need a second set of stabilizers behind the main wing...
  8. theOrange

    Comparing Abaqus/Patran/Nastran for FEM Analysis

    Just to be clear if anyone else reads this. I am not asking for the best one, I understand that is very difficult. I am just asking in what areas are each good at, so advantages/disadvantages of each FEM package (patran/nastran, and abaqus).
  9. theOrange

    Comparing Abaqus/Patran/Nastran for FEM Analysis

    Oh alright got it. Sure, I'll post it later, and a short description of the project I'm working on.
  10. theOrange

    Comparing Abaqus/Patran/Nastran for FEM Analysis

    I have the possibility of using either at the company I work for. What do you mean "I personally think it's about sixes."? Yeah I found that Abaqus is best for nonlinear, and February I'll be able to test both.
  11. theOrange

    Comparing Abaqus/Patran/Nastran for FEM Analysis

    I need to decide on whether to use Abaqus or Patran/Nastran for FEM analysis. However I am not sure what the advantages/disadvantages are of each FEM package. Also, searching on google has not come up with a list of situations where one is better compared to the other. I'm just looking for a...
  12. theOrange

    Build a Cubesat: Need Mathematician, Physicist, Engineer

    I can join your project group, and help out where needed. I wondering why you need a mathematician and physicist though. A good place to start is setting up a project plan, and what the requirements are.
  13. theOrange

    Airflow Turbulence at carburettor flange

    It would be nice to see if a solution was found by Neil, and what the solution was...
  14. theOrange

    Airflow Turbulence at carburettor flange

    Airfoil idea intrigues me, probably because I'm an aeronautical engineer and love aerodynamics. I wouldn't be able to tell you the dimensions to use, however using symmetric airfoil is pretty obvious. For the angle of attack; you would have to run some tests and see what the effect is with...
  15. theOrange

    Can you check my solution for this trusses problem

    Yep it is anti-clock wise. No, it is not counted if you take the moment around point A.