Recent content by Theheretic

  1. T

    Origin of Spin 1/2: Exploring Quantum Field Theory

    So "spin" can be visualized as the rotation of the wave function of a particle? That's a good start for me but what "wave function" does something like a proton/neutron have exactly?
  2. T

    Spin in Fundamental Particles: Intrinsic Angular Momentum & Atomic Orbitals

    I would love to hear more answers to what spin is as well
  3. T

    Critique This Simple Faster Than Light Mechanism - Possible?

    Ok guys. Picture a bicycle wheel assembly apparatus with several gears and a giant wheel. The giant wheel is constructed in outer space such so that a person is placed on the outside rim of the wheel and then the wheel begins to be rotated at first slowly due to the torque required but then...
  4. T

    Gravitational Field Paradox Explanation?

    I seemed to have answered my own question through subsequent research. "waves" travel at the speed of light and thus are not "instantaneous".How about electric charge fields? When a particle has a positive charge and attracts or repels...
  5. T

    Gravitational Field Paradox Explanation?

    Gravitational Field Paradox Explanation?? Hi everyone. If electric and gravitational field has an infinite nature-meaning that the effect one charged particle has on another charged particle always remains even though it diminishes over distances but can never reach absolute 0-then how is this...
  6. T

    HOW do radio waves form at the subatomic level?

    If the oscillating electrical/magnetic fields form the radio wave then where does the photon/particle concept come from? If an EM wave is nothing but electric field and magnetic field oscillating at right angles then how can a "particle" magically form out of this? Unless you view the photon...
  7. T

    HOW do radio waves form at the subatomic level?

    Ok so, according to you thus far we have this: an electron changes its orbital state. This action corresponds to the type of frequency/wave that will be created. Can you expand on this? How does the electron changing its orbital state create a photon? You said an atom changes state from...
  8. T

    HOW do radio waves form at the subatomic level?

    Please stay on the topic or moderators will be forced to delete your posts. We're discussing EM waves here and how they are formed. Thus far you have failed to explain this phenomenon.
  9. T

    HOW do radio waves form at the subatomic level?

    Surely even you must realize how utterly insufficient this explanation is? That's like you asking me how does a car brake work at its most fundamental level? And me responding: "it stops the car" Can anyone here actually explain how a wave is generated without diverting to obscure...
  10. T

    Can Powered Atmospheric Re-entry Reduce Heat Shield Dependence?

    Don't things in geosynchronous orbit fly at somewhere around 15-20,000mph which perhaps would be too prohibitive to slow such a speed down, i.e. perhaps would require too much thrust for too long of a period of time where they do not have enough fuel for such a thing...just an idea..I actually...
  11. T

    How can time dialation cause gravity?

    Wow I just had an epiphany moment thanks to you Paul77. So EMR is massless and that's why it's considered the fastest speed possible in the universe because anything with any mass cannot possible go as fast as something massless without requiring infinite energy to get it to go that
  12. T

    Is water a particle or a wave?

    yes but in regards to the thread starter's original question, the fact that he asked about particles/waves seems to imply that he MAY be interested in knowing what "water" is at its molecular level and below since it's pretty common knowledge that a molecule is not a 'wave' in and of itself but...
  13. T

    HOW do radio waves form at the subatomic level?

    Yes I noticed you went back and "edited" your post after I called you out on trolling the thread with 5 posts that all failed to even address the actual thread topic. However after reading your post I don't think it answers the question at all. At least not in a way easily visualized. Which...
  14. T

    HOW do radio waves form at the subatomic level?

    Are you asking that last question rhetorically, or in a Socratic way because you know the answer? I would like to know that as well. For example ELF waves are a hundred thousand miles in wavelength yet can be emitted by things far smaller. How does that work? The only explanation I've...
  15. T

    HOW do radio waves form at the subatomic level?

    That's funny. You've posted about 5 or 6 posts in this thread alone and not a single one of them answers the question. You just proved my point right, i.e. you have no clue what the answer to the thread starter's question is.