Recent content by thegame

  1. T

    Progation of error in this formula

    Thanks, your post is really helpful... I don't know how to use latex but I got the final error as 1.36 x 10-4 .. Hopefully I did it right :smile:
  2. T

    Progation of error in this formula

    Thanks for all your help so far, but I will leave partials to next year calc... Can you guys simplify this for me
  3. T

    Progation of error in this formula

    ya... I am pretty sure uncertainities are evaluated using partial differentation
  4. T

    Progation of error in this formula

    Thanks but a very similar formula is given in my lab manual, but I don't know partial differentiation. So, how would i actually evaluate the uncertainty.
  5. T

    Progation of error in this formula

    Hi, u = (1/(2LS))^2 L = .9810 +/- 0.0005 S = 8.35 +/- 0.15 Can anyone give me the formula to calculate the uncertainity on u.
  6. T

    Radioactivity - background rate

    Cesium 137 decay rate... I am pretty sure its a constant, since its half life is 30 years.
  7. T

    Radioactivity - background rate

    Hello, anyone know a website to find the background rate of Cesium?
  8. T

    Easy: given theta, uncertainity on cos(theta)

    Thanks for the quick reply.. By 0, I mean that there is no uncertainty on time
  9. T

    Easy: given theta, uncertainity on cos(theta)

    Hi, I need to find the uncertainty on cos(theta) given: theta = 5 plus/minus 0.1 degrees what is the uncertainty on cos(theta)? [propagation of error] 2) Suppose I measured the time taken by the pendulum to complete one oscillation. So the pendulum moves downward and I start the...
  10. T

    LaTeX Introducing LaTeX Math Typesetting

    testing... \begin{array}{r l r l} u &= \ln x \quad & dv &= x\,dx \\ du &= \frac{1}{x}\,dx & v &= \frac{1}{2} x^2 \end{array} [tex] \begin{array}{r l r l} sqrt{a_A^2+b_B^2} \end{array} [\tex]
  11. T

    How to Solve a Geometry Problem?

    Let me try again
  12. T

    How to Solve a Geometry Problem?

    Why doesn't the attached imgae showup? Has the webmaster disabled imgaes?
  13. T

    How to Solve a Geometry Problem?

    does somebody know how to do this