Recent content by TheePhysicsStudent

  1. TheePhysicsStudent

    Where does the mark scheme get these numbers from?

    NVM guys, i just realised that the quadratic formula was used! Sorry for anyone who may have wasted time
  2. TheePhysicsStudent

    Unsure how the book came to this Bridge Crane Force answer (I got no viable answer)

    Ahhh I am grateful as I see the easily avoidable error I made by simply not using my brain properly and reading the question, thank you!
  3. TheePhysicsStudent

    Equilibrium problem: Calculate the tension of each cord

    Wow thanks, I think this information may help speed time in lots of calculations i do
  4. TheePhysicsStudent

    Moments question help requested, unsure where I went wrong

    Ah, thank you yep, I believe it is an SF error, Thanks again for the help everyone!
  5. TheePhysicsStudent

    How Do You Solve Equilibrium Problems Using Moments?

    Thank Kuruman, for the shortcut method which explained it more than the other user (though i did sort of grasp it), I am gonna practise more questions with all of this in Mind, Thanks once again
  6. TheePhysicsStudent

    How Do You Solve Equilibrium Problems Using Moments?

    Thanks Mister T, the see saw analogy really helped make it more clear for me where I went wrong, as it does ake more sense now
  7. TheePhysicsStudent

    How Do You Solve Equilibrium Problems Using Moments?

    Wow, thanks sir! I realised I was highly overcomplicating things (as per usual)