Recent content by Thea Woods

  1. T

    Child going down a water slide (potential energy and energy conservation)

    Thank you all so much! I was able to for h using kinematic equations and found it to be 0.6156 m. Anyway thanks :)
  2. T

    Child going down a water slide (potential energy and energy conservation)

    Vf = ? y = ? ME = mgy + 1/2mv^2 ME = 56*9.81*y + 1/2*56*1^2 Ui + Ki = Ui + Ki gyi + 1/2vi^2 = gyf + 1/2 vf^2gyf = 1/2vf^2 vf = 5.425 m/s 9.81y + 1/2*1^2 = 9.81*1.5 + 1/2*5.425^2 y = 2.949 m MEi = 56*9.81*2.949 + 1/2*56*1^2 MEi = 1648 J The picture for this problem really confuses me. I am...
  3. T

    Calculating Forces in a Pulling System: Fp, Wp, Wm

    Fp = Fg +Ff Fp = (21*9.81*sin(31)) + (0.2*21*9.81) Fp = 147.30 Fp*d = 147.3 *4.5 Wp = Wm = 662.87 = 663 J I am not sure what I am doing wrong. Should I subtract the force of friction from the force of gravity? Have I assumed that the pulling force is equal to the sum of gravity and friction...