Recent content by the_truth

  1. T

    A better way to imagine the time space continuum.

    Thank for all the insights, I never thought that light could be absorbed and re-emitted at exactly the same frequency and in the general direction it originally came from, it seems a little far fetched. I thought that most light passed through the electron fields interacting between atoms and...
  2. T

    The Most Fertile Path of Human Evolution: Intellect or Feeling?

    I don't believe there is a hedonistic imperative, if we were ruled by pleasure it would be like we were experiencing uncontrollable pain and we would cease to have free will or time to think how we want. For the time being we should concentrate on eradicating poverty and allowing people...
  3. T

    A better way to imagine the time space continuum.

    The laws determinning the passage of light through varying densities of transparent material and through varying "acceleration" caused by a common field of gravity have similarities. I prefer to think of warping of the time space continuum as an increase in density. Light bends as it passes...
  4. T

    Medical Do We All Perceive Reality the Same Way?

    I have just solved this problem. Yes, we do. Unless there was a machine which could replicate you exactly, we all experience different sensations when sensing the same thing. We also have different understandings when we think about the world around us, because we don't learn in exactly the...
  5. T

    Is a Unified Theory Possible Through Semiclassical Physics and Cosmic Awareness?

    "The Truth You say that "rational debate is the only way to determine whether something is true or not." Unfortunately this is the opposite of the truth. Aristotle concluded that "Actual (true) knowledge is identical with its object", and this still apears to be the case to philosophers. This...
  6. T

    Arrow of time, or arrow of memory?

    Think of it in terms of probabilities. This will answer your question I believe, but I am sure there are many other examples and answers which also prove hte passage of time. Let's say you shuffle the 4 cards and lay them down again. In the first instant you put down a king of hearts. In...
  7. T

    What substance is god/gods made of?

    ... First off there is nothing to suggest god exists, theists should focus on proving god exists before ponderring the meaning of it all. Second of all if god exists it is omnipotent and can do whatever it wants. It can produce a rock too heavy for it to lift, it can create a universe it...
  8. T

    Is a Unified Theory Possible Through Semiclassical Physics and Cosmic Awareness?

    "How so? One could extend that and say people are flawed. And people do science as well as religion." Because rational debate is the only way to determine whether something is true or not. Everyone from all religions agrees that under certain conditions F=MA. However they all disagree with...
  9. T

    What substance is god/gods made of?

    If god is omnipotent he can choose whether to exist in this universe as a substance or not and what substance he will exist as. However you cannot prove god's existence so it is best to assume he does not exist. Even if you cannot disprove god's existence as the lack of disproof is worthless...
  10. T

    Overcoming Fear of the Future: How Can Friends Help?

    No one fears the future. They fear pain and misery.
  11. T

    Anthropic Principle musings and questions

    His entire philosophy is wrong, he wants us to discover things which are physically impossible to prove. He refuses to engage in rational debate on the same basis and from what I hear he does this to vent his sexual repression. Worth a read if you can be botherred to plough through the acres...
  12. T

    Questions with Definitive Answers: Moral and Selfish Dilemmas

    Actually there is a definitive answer and I've just composed it on the spot! It is logical that if we all think and do what is best for all sentient life, now and in the future, we can generate the maximum amount of "pleasure" possible. There is no point in leading a life of hedonism as...
  13. T

    Is a Unified Theory Possible Through Semiclassical Physics and Cosmic Awareness?

    I disagree with everyone here completely and I'm right to... All religions in existence are flawed and have been disproven and we don't know enough to create some sort of universal religion anyway. Maybe the universal religion would have some ideas generated thus far by ordinary religions...
  14. T

    How Does the Brain Visualize Images Without a Physical Screen?

    "I have a problem with dualism since it just moves the "observer"-problem, but what if the "second observer" and the car is the same thing." I see no contradiction here. If a person looks at a scientist and the scientist knows everything about the brain of this person, I fail to see how the...