Recent content by The_Teacher

  1. T

    What are Directional Derivatives and How Can They Be Calculated?

    Hey there, as part of my first year in engineering I'm doing some challenging math that i can usually make sense of by myself apart from these Directional Derivatives. If someone could explain these to me in both straightforward terms first and more complicated math theory second it would be...
  2. T

    Exploring B-Fields and Electrons: Terminal Velocity?

    This term we have been studying B-Fields (Magnetic Fields), Electromagnetic Induction and A.C. Theory (High School Physics). We've been given the Exam outline and upon checking what will be in Complex Reasoning (Part C of the Exam), it labelled "Terminal Velocity on conductors falling through...
  3. T

    How Does a Copper Wire React in a Magnetic Field?

    Well, you know that your current is either flowing up or down (depending on how you've set up the battery). The mercury, as 'Four' stated, is a conductor and will allow for the completion of the circuit. Knowing that the B-Field (magnetic field) is traveling from North to South, use that nifty...