Recent content by the riddick25

  1. T

    N=3 polytropic index questions

    Homework Statement From a previous problem, we have found that the pressure inside the sun can be represented by a polytrope with index n=3. Does this mean that the sun contains relativistic degenerate matter, which is also described by a polytrope with index 3? Explain how a polytrope with...
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    Understanding Rocket Burn Time and Impulse Calculation for Hybrid Rocket Motors

    Homework Statement We have some data for a rocket test, and I have plotted thrust against time. To find the total impluse, we were told to find the area under the thrust graph. But I am a little confused about something. I defined my zero time as the time the thrust started to increase, but...
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    How do I convert luminosity to magnitude?

    But I'm not given actual luminosities, I've been given Log (L/L_sun) so for example one of my values is 4.4799, how would i turn this into a magnitude? And yes, I was looking for an apparent magnitude, forgot to mention it in my first post
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    How do I convert luminosity to magnitude?

    I am trying to find out how fast a star's magnitude changes over time, and have two columns of data. The first is the time since the stay left the main sequence, and the second is Log (L/L_sun). I am unsure as to how to chance the luminosity values into magnitudes, which means I can't answer...
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    Calculating radius of a blackbody

    Homework Statement We are asked to calculate the flux at a specific wavelength (f_5500), the surface flux(F) and the radius of a star (Sirius A and then B) We are given the following: Brightness of Sirius A: V=-1.47 Effective temperature: 9870K Central wavelength: 5510 Angstroms Filter...
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    What makes Bose Einstein condensates so effective at slowing/stopping light?

    I was just wondering what properties of bose einstein condensates allows them to slow/stop light so well. cant find much on the internet about it, tho i am probably looking in the wrong places, so if anyone could give me links that would be useful Thanks Also, this isn't homework, I'm...
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    What is the Probability of a Drunk Man Ending Up 14 Steps Back into the Pub?

    Thank you all very much for your help and i agree with what you said about the question, like eczeno said this could easily have been put in terms of a coin flipping, instead it is about a drunk person who can't walk properly :S
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    What is the Probability of a Drunk Man Ending Up 14 Steps Back into the Pub?

    Homework Statement There is a drunk man who is just leaving the pub, he is so drunk that the probability of him taking a step forward is 0.5, and the probability of him taking a step backwards is also 0.5 There is a zero chance of him not taking a step. After 20 steps, what is the...
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    Finding E, L and Lz from wavefunction

    is the probability of obtaining each stationary state just 2/3 and 1/3 respectively? Also thank you very much for your help
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    Finding E, L and Lz from wavefunction

    Homework Statement We were given the wavefunction for a hydrogen atom (ignoring spin) as shown in the link below We are asked to find the probability of obtaining E=E1, L^2=2 hbar^2 and Lz=hbar Homework Equations...
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    How Do You Calculate Earth's Radial and Transverse Velocity Components?

    Homework Statement Find the radial and transverse components of the velocity and acceleration of the Earth, in terms of (theta) and (theta dot=d(theta)/dt) Homework Equations r=1/A+Bcos(theta) Where A and B are constants given as A=0.666667x10^-11 and B=0.113333x10^-12 (theta...
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    Solve Step Down Potential: Prob. of Neutron Absorption

    I have no idea where to start this question, so if somebody could please tell me where to start, i will then be able to complete the question by myself. Homework Statement When a free neutron enters a nucleus, it experiences a sudden drop in potential energy, from outside the nucleus to...
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    Number of protons and neutrons per shell?

    before i start i wanted to make it clear that this is NOT homework. its just a quick question which puzzled me and my friend In the shell model of the nucleus. i found a statement that said that since both neutrons and protons are fermions, there are restricted to 2 of each at each energy...
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    Standard derivation and probability density

    thanks for your help, i can understand it better now i have just found the error in the calulation (this bit wasnt actucally done by me), i guess i just glanced over it and forgot to correct it thanks again :)