Recent content by The Grimmus

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    PF Member Photo Thread Archive

    not even i get it
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    What Do Different Religions Believe About God and Nations?

    In response to the second paragraphic area, i do not beilve that many could make such a transition. Religion seems (to me atleast) to be an early means of government in a society that needed an enforcer. But now we do have goverment, we have police and other groups to enforce laws. It is just...
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    Conflicted Feelings: Moving On from High School

    well that was a fun 8 page thread, and it had a happy ending, maybe not for all of you, but for someone who needs to see others fail to become more pompus it's one of the greatest endings ever, and i am in agreeance with the above post you need to pimp, or talk to someone who knows her...
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    PF Member Photo Thread Archive

    yes i know, i am the best, ever
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    Conflicted Feelings: Moving On from High School

    but when you go out on a group date make sure to get some really ugly freinds of yours to go so you know you look better compared to them
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    Most underpaid and overpaid vocations

    awsoem way to open up the thread... I think servign is it's hardly a skill and you can make like 200 a night or more at a resturant. Unless youdotn consider it a vocation
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    Conflicted Feelings: Moving On from High School

    wait an uneasy laugh or a hahaha,can't let my feeilings show laugh
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    What Are the Best Games for Any Platform?

    dude chrono trigger is one of the best RPGs ever.
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    What Do Different Religions Believe About God and Nations?

    why are you glad some reilgion is good, it teaches morals and gives peopel a reaoson to work and not you now commit sucide becuase their life is meaningless
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    Conflicted Feelings: Moving On from High School

    personaly no matter how bad i liked soemoen i couldent resit the laugh of sending a bag of poo, or fake poo with like a ha bet you thought it was poo card in it
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    Free Flash Program - Find a Download Now

    yea i had swish but the license ran out and the keygen...i was expermenting with and not willing to use without supporting the fine poeple at swish finacialy...the key gen was supposed to be used before the license ran out. Oh and thanks for moving this, i figured it wouldent get much hits so i...
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    What super power/s do you most wish you had and why ?

    X-ray vision, think of the possablites i could give who ever i wanted to cancer
  13. T

    Is Reverse Discrimination Justified in Today's Society?

    Damn that, and affermitive action, for far too logn have peopel been afriad of beign raciest in simple actions
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    Conflicted Feelings: Moving On from High School

    yea us nerds (although i consider my self to be an outcast because i don't have a lot of initative... oh and i can't spell) may have more problems but i would think that we dotn haev the answers
  15. T

    Free Flash Program - Find a Download Now

    sorry i should have been more specific, A flash creator program, like marcimedia