Recent content by The Divine Zephyr

  1. T

    LaTeX Introducing LaTeX Math Typesetting

    A=60+(S+\Delta P) \times \frac{L_2}{L_1}
  2. T

    LaTeX Introducing LaTeX Math Typesetting

    \begin{array}P=A(1+\frac{r}{100})^n \\ \sqrt[n]{\frac{P}{A}}=\frac{r+100}{100} \\ r=100\sqrt[n]{\frac{P}{A}}-100\end{array}
  3. T

    Do pH levels carry on thorugh evaporation?

    I need to know: In a closed system sealed off from outside air, if water from a mass of basic water evaporates, will the pH of the air be affected? If so, when the air condenses, how wil the pH of soil in the closed system be affected? Thanks for the help.
  4. T

    LaTeX Introducing LaTeX Math Typesetting

    \textrm{pwnz0rz}= \frac {-1337 \textrm{search engine}\pm \sqrt{(1337 \textrm{search engine})^2-4(1)(\textrm{gmail})}}{2} Hmm, so you can mix words with numbers and pretty print in latex with \textrm. ...dont ask
  5. T

    Probably a rather easy Algebra problem that I am not getting

    If \sqrt{9+4\sqrt{5}}=\sqrt{a}+\sqrt{b}, find all ordered pairs (a,b) The equation looks hauntingly like a elliptic curve, so I tried that but it didnt really help. I tried just simplifing it, but it got really messy really fast. Can someone please help?
  6. T

    Exploring Infinite Exponent Towers: Solving for x in x^x^x^x^...=2

    Though I am still alittle quesitonable about sqrt 2 as an answer, I think I understand the reason the answer is correct.
  7. T

    Exploring Infinite Exponent Towers: Solving for x in x^x^x^x^...=2

    I idnt approximate. I got 2 for a stack of 3 sqrt twos, but as I did x^{x^{x^{x^{...}}}}, it went to infinity. \log_{x}2=x^{x^{x^{x^{...}}}} Can you show me how your solution was attained? I see the link, I'll go check it out.
  8. T

    Exploring Infinite Exponent Towers: Solving for x in x^x^x^x^...=2

    I see where you are coming from, but I can't see it working the the equation... SQRT [2]^SQRT [2]^SQRT [2]=2, but as soon as more SQRT [2]s are stacked, it flies off the mark...
  9. T

    Exploring Infinite Exponent Towers: Solving for x in x^x^x^x^...=2

    I'm sorry, the correct expression for me would have been 0<x<1 will converge to 1
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    Exploring Infinite Exponent Towers: Solving for x in x^x^x^x^...=2

    It doesn't, \sqrt{2}^{\sqrt{2}^{\sqrt{2}}} does infact come very close to 2 (I think exactly, don't have my 89 with me...), however. But as soon as more terms are piled on, it spirals into infinity.
  11. T

    Exploring Infinite Exponent Towers: Solving for x in x^x^x^x^...=2

    So far, I got that if x=1, my LHS=1 if 0<x<1, LHS converges to 1 if x>1, LHS diverges I plugged it in on a calculator and it divirged into infinity... Go for it, I'll think about that, too.
  12. T

    Exploring Infinite Exponent Towers: Solving for x in x^x^x^x^...=2

    Infinite Exponent "towers" Please help me solve this problem; I don't even know how to start... Solve for x: x^{x^{x^{x^{...}}}}=2
  13. T

    LaTeX Introducing LaTeX Math Typesetting

    \int \frac{3}{4+3x^2}dx=\frac{1}{2}\sqrt{3}\arctan(\frac{x\sqrt{3}}{2})+C
  14. T

    LaTeX Introducing LaTeX Math Typesetting

    \int_{1}^{\sqrt[3]{3}}z^2dz \times \cos{\frac{3\pi}{9}}=\ln{\sqrt[3]{e}} Integral z squared dz from 1 to the cube root of 3 times the cosine of 3 pi over 9 equals the log of the cubes root of e Whoever thought that up was a really clever math poet ;)
  15. T

    How Do You Calculate Probabilities for Multiple Coin Tosses?

    Remember, if multiple events need to cooexist, multiply their probabilities together (similar to an "AND" gate in programming) and if either goes, add their probabilites (similar to "OR" gates)