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  1. T

    I Siphoning through a straight tube

    Ah okay makes sense. I think I was including a velocity term that gave me a higher answer. Thanks!
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    I Siphoning through a straight tube

    Hi y'all, I am currently doing research in nuclear physics dealing with cryogenics. We want to pre cool the inner most part of a dewar with liquid nitrogen before we put liquid helium in since it's quite expensive. Once the nitrogen stops boiling off and reaches somewhat of an equilibrium, the...
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    Multiple Regression in Excel for Mac

    I figured it out and the answer to my questions was no.
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    Multiple Regression in Excel for Mac

    Hi, I was wondering if anyone familiar with excel on a mac can help me? Am i able to do polynomial regression with different x's who contain different amounts of elements? I have three columns, one contains 252 elements, another contains 53, and the last contains 12. They are all closing...
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    Advice for Adam: Physics Books for a Junior Major

    Haha alright thanks, will do.
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    Advice for Adam: Physics Books for a Junior Major

    Also TehBigBoss, I am researching Feynman's books and see that there's some other works called "Six Easy Pieces" and "Six Not So Easy Pieces." Are these Feynman's lectures in a condensed form?
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    Advice for Adam: Physics Books for a Junior Major

    Alright, thanks for the replies guys.
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    Advice for Adam: Physics Books for a Junior Major

    Hi, I'm a junior physics major intending on a PhD in physics. I was wondering what books physicists recommend? I would like to read A Breif History of Time but I think I know most of the things in the book and would like something more advanced with plenty of math. Occupation wise, I am stuck...
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    Is it possible to obtain water that has been absorbed in a desiccant?

    Is it possible to obtain water that has been absorbed in a desiccant?
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    Object Jumping from Quantum Vibrations Statistical Mechanics

    How many degrees of freedom can the quantum oscillator vibrate in?
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    Object Jumping from Quantum Vibrations Statistical Mechanics

    So an external EM field can cause the vibrations to be in the same direction? How can I calculate the multiplicity of the arrangement of particles with vibrations?
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    Object Jumping from Quantum Vibrations Statistical Mechanics

    According to quantum mechanics, every particle has an uncertainty of position and momentum. Particles have quantum vibrations. So is it possible for all the atoms in an object to vibrate at the same time in the same direction making the object as a whole move? If so, what kind of energy would...
  13. T

    Star whose pressure support is degenerate electrons.

    My professor gave us a question to think about for discussion next week. He asked how the radius of a star, who is composed of ionized hydrogen and degenerate electrons, varies with mass. I am not quite sure where to start. How could I estimate the radius?
  14. T

    What Causes Radio Stations to Mix and How Does it Affect Listening?

    Thank you for the detailed answer.