Recent content by That Neuron

  1. T

    Are there any alternatives for batteries?

    Lately, I've done a lot of research on this and m currently building a portable methanol micro reactor targeting portable electronics. If you're willing to use a hydrocarbon fuel (2-3.something Wh per ml depending on the efficiency) then Direct Methanol/Ethanol or Direct Borohydride Fuel Cells...
  2. T

    Application of Series/Parallel connection of DMFC? (Direct Methanol Fuel Cell)

    Hi Orion! I've actually recently been starting to build a micro-DMFC stack for portable electronics of my own. From my understanding, each cell, when no current is moving through an external circuit, produces a given OCP (Open Circuit Potential) that is a little less than its theoretical...
  3. T

    Microchannel Array etching in Stainless Steel Metal Search

    Hi All! Haven't been here for some time, the changes are looking good! Anyway, formalities aside, I am having serious problems sourcing and implementing a suitable stainless steel (Grade: 304; thickness: 0.3mm) substrate for my etching process. I'm currently working on developing a...
  4. T

    Why Does a Ring of Dipoles Produce a Smaller Upward Force Than Expected? This post is referring to page 35-36. I just find it odd that this book doesn't change it's mathematical description to align with the fact that a ring produces a component force up smaller than the...
  5. T

    Why is the vector equation of a plane defined as n • (r-r0) = 0?

    Oh, I see the mistake in my logic, I was looking at the cartesian equation being ambiguous as a result of the vector equation, I suppose that the vector equation is ambiguous until we add the actual vector, then we get a unique equation for the plane. Don't know what I was thinking. There's...
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    Why is the vector equation of a plane defined as n • (r-r0) = 0?

    Right, BUT my book says that it is a definition (Or at least says that it determines a single plane) which is weird. Also, how can we derive the standard cartesian equation a(x-x0) + b(y-y0) + c(z-z0) from the vector equation?
  7. T

    Why is the vector equation of a plane defined as n • (r-r0) = 0?

    Just curious about a certain facet of the vector description of a plane. My query is as to why it is defined as n • (r-r0) = 0. Great, that's because any two vectors with a dot product of 0 must be orthogonal to each other and if we have a point on a infinite plane with an associated vector we...
  8. T

    Finding Limit: $$\frac{8^x}{x^x}$$

    Okay, I would suggest is a power tower derivation in conjunction with L'Hospital's rule. If we derive 8x we get ln8 (ex). If we derive xx we get (ex)lnx, if we take u as equal to ex and say that u approaches infinity as x approaches infinity we end up with lim u → ∞ ln8 (u/(uln2u), if we use...
  9. T

    Does the Series Sum of 1 + (-1)^n/n Converge?

    Homework Statement The problem contained five answer choices, of which I the answerer was to find one that fit the criteria of the question. The question was: "Which series of the following terms would be convergent?". It listed five series, The answer was this term: 1 + (-1)n / n. Homework...
  10. T

    Is the second derivative of a circle related to an orbiting object?

    That's exactly what I seem to have done, you see I thought that the change in change of the direction of the object's momentum would be proportional to it's velocity. I now understand how the individual second derivatives of x(t) and y(t) respectively determine the rate of change of rate with...
  11. T

    Is the second derivative of a circle related to an orbiting object?

    Okay! Earlier today I was thinking about potential energy and how it is related to an orbiting object, O, around a centre, C, from which force emanates if the object O is traveling at radius r from this centre, we conclude that the force given by the change in direction must be equal to the...
  12. T

    Understanding the Relationship Between Dripping Rate and Water Clock Design

    Oh, no y is a function of t! Not the height! I actually think that I found the correct function simply by playing around with the constant k. Let me revisit this!
  13. T

    Understanding the Relationship Between Dripping Rate and Water Clock Design

    Okay, this is a really simple question, so to anyone looking for some extraordinarily complex differential equation question turn away now, or be blinded by boredom. My query is rooted in a question I had about building a water clock... so seemingly relevant to Differentials, I know...
  14. T

    Calculus Calculus Series by James Stewart

    I've just finished it, well, the third edition anyways. I like it, it is an illustrious (not in the figurative sense) book, it explains things visually, which I find easily digestible. The only problem which I have with the actual book is that it doesn't really delve into much depth, for...
  15. T

    Polar Coordinates functional notation.

    But wouldn't a function defined as (r, g(r) ) not be an actual function since f(\theta) = f(\theta + 2 \pi ) , so for every r there would be a myriad of possible values of \theta that would be solutions. Just as we can only define inverse trigonometric (sine for example) functions on a...