Recent content by tgramling

  1. T

    Exploring the Possibility of Harnessing Electron Inertia

    This is a pretty general question, but could it be possble to capture and use an electrons inertia? Or does the Heisenberg uncertainty principle make this just flat out impossible
  2. T

    Understanding the Expanding Universe: The Role of Energy and Acceleration

    Thanks for the replies, but Daddy brings up a good point. How do we really know how the universe is expanding, like Nabeshin said, What undeniable evidence changed our minds in 1997? How do we, "know that our universe is both expanding and accelerating," now? If it is "entirely possible" to...
  3. T

    Understanding the Expanding Universe: The Role of Energy and Acceleration

    Thank you for the relpies, sorry for the late response. But havn't we also learned that the universe has contracted before? I think it was just small fluctuations. If this is true then what exactly caused it to do this? Could it be possible that the universe is just in its expanding state...
  4. T

    Understanding the Expanding Universe: The Role of Energy and Acceleration

    For those of you accepting singularity, When the big bang occurred there was a massive amount of energy exerted. Did this energy exert a positive acceleration on everything, meaning that it will continue to expand forever? Or did it have a negative acceleration, like throwing a ball up in...
  5. T

    What are the Newest Developments in Energy Storage Technology?

    There is new battery tech. called STAIR that can hold 10 times the charge as a battery today, but I am not sure if this is what you are looking for.
  6. T

    Outer space where there was no gravity

    Time would tick normally at one second per second just like here on earth, it would only change if you reached near the speed of light, but in that case time would tick slower.
  7. T

    Is there a Space-Time Curvature equation?

    Thanks guys for the help, sorry for such a late response, I've been at the lake and studying for finals the past week. yogi, I'm just going to ask the straight up question, what is the excess radius? I have tried to look into but just can't find out what it is! It would seem like there is a...
  8. T

    Astrophysics, what do I need to do?

    Thank you for the advice, and i will try to keep my mind open and see where it takes me
  9. T

    Astrophysics, what do I need to do?

    I am currently getting ready to end my sophomore year at my high school and have basically come to the decision that i wanted to study astrophysics. Although i still have "time" it seems as though i will run out of it before it is too late, so I am wondering what suggestions people have that i...
  10. T

    Is there a Space-Time Curvature equation?

    By "other problems" do you mean other equations or complications? My guess is probably both, and do you know if there is an example or if you can give me one of a highly symmetric situation? Thanks for the help
  11. T

    Is there a Space-Time Curvature equation?

    Ok, so I now have the equation, thank you guys very much for that by the way, but now can anyone tell me how to apply it? It would seem simple enough as it is looks to serve like a function almost, but for every constant there are numerous other constants involved. What I am asking here is if I...
  12. T

    Is there a Space-Time Curvature equation?

    Alright, so what it is basically saying is that space-time curvature = the Ricci tensor - half the metric tensor * scalar curvature..the only problem I am having is that the Ricci tensor, metric tensor and scalar curvature all break down like the einstein tensor and those break downs break down...
  13. T

    Is there a Space-Time Curvature equation?

    I've been wondering if there is a relationship between the mass of an object and how much it "curves" space-time. I can't seem to find an equation or connection, I have looked at four-momentum but am not certain what it actually calculates. Maybe I just don't know it and there is yet an equation...
  14. T

    Can photons create their own gravity?

    This brings up another controversial matter though, because according to Einstein energy and mass are equivalent, so saying that photons have no mass would in turn say that they have no energy, and vise versa, in saying they have energy says they have mass, so either Einstein was "wrong" or...