Recent content by tesselate

  1. tesselate

    LaTeX What are the macros you guys use to speed up LaTeX-ing?

    Thank you for your suggestions! This will definitely cut down on time. I have implemented some of the commands from Ben Niehoff's preamble, and created some on my own. Also, looking at arxiv sources is my go-to place now if I come across something new.
  2. tesselate

    LaTeX What are the macros you guys use to speed up LaTeX-ing?

    Hello everyone! I was wondering if you guys could suggest some macro-s that you use in your LaTeX preamble, to speed up typing up your homeworks/reports. I think typesetting any report looks very professional, so I don't want to stop LaTeX-ing them. However, it does take a huge chunk of my day...
  3. tesselate

    Schools What Are the Latest Updates on 2016 Math REU Acceptances?

    I got accepted to MSRI, but as far as I know there are still spots left to be filled.
  4. tesselate

    James Webb space telescope and fundamental physics

    Thank you for your response and for sharing this link! Forgive me for my silly question, I have just started learning about this subject. But I think I have a better idea about it now. I will be reading more about the connection of particle physics and cosmology. Very interesting.
  5. tesselate

    James Webb space telescope and fundamental physics

    Yes, from what I see there is only research about astrophysics and cosmology. I was just wondering if it has any significance for fundamental physics and the standard model.
  6. tesselate

    James Webb space telescope and fundamental physics

    Does JWST has any significance in fundamental physics research? What kind of questions would we get answers to?