Recent content by Temple1998

  1. Temple1998

    How do I solve for an elastic collision going up a ramp?

    Would it be incorrect to use the equation 1/2m1v1^2 + mgh1 + 1/2m2v2^2 +mgh2 = 1/2(m1 + m2)V'^2 +(m1 + m2)gh'? And I'm assuming I would use xsin30 for the heights? I don't have any experience with simple harmonic motion in relation to two objects.
  2. Temple1998

    How do I solve for an elastic collision going up a ramp?

    Would gravity cause a net external force due to its x component? I don't know how to go about this problem if this is the case and I can't use the conservation of momentum equation. I just learned conservation of momentum and I haven't been able to find any other problems like this to reference.
  3. Temple1998

    How do I solve for an elastic collision going up a ramp?

    Homework Statement : Two blocks with masses m1=3kg and m2=4.5kg are moving on a platform with velocities v1 and v2, respectively. The platform is inclined with θ=30ο and is frictionless. Mass m2 has a very stiff spring with constant k=3000kg/s2 attached as shown in the figure. The two blocks...