Recent content by TEFLing

  1. T

    Is There More Uranium in Earth's Core Than We Thought?

    solar abundances suggest Earth ought to have much more oxygen, and less iron, than usually stated iron oxides, under extreme pressure, actually have the right density, electrical conductivity and high spin magnetically ordered ferromagnetism required for the core if iron oxides are thought to...
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    B Dark Matter & BAO: How Does it Suppress Baryonic Oscillations?

    If, in the primordial plasma, electrons were 2000x less massive than ions, wouldn't a given photon flux have had much greater effect on the motion of electrons over ions ? Wouldn't that create a charge separation which would suppress even peaks, mimicking non-baryonic DM in so doing ?
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    Is There More Uranium in Earth's Core Than We Thought?

    This "solar abundance earth" is only 6% Fe by mass, not the 36% geologists report So the "solar earth" under-estimates iron & heavier metals by factors of 3-6 or more To get 36% of Earth's mass in Fe would have required ~300 Earth masses, or about 1 Jupiter mass, in total original nebular...
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    Mw 6.4 and 7.1, Ridgecrest, Southern California earthquakes
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    Is There More Uranium in Earth's Core Than We Thought?

    Using Wikipedia solar / solar-system abundances, the calculated present-day radioactive decay power of K-40 is 8 TW, essentially in agreement with the figure above. However, using the same abundances for Th-232 yields only 2 TW, low by a factor of 4-5. For U-238, only 2.6 TW, low by a factor...
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    Is There More Uranium in Earth's Core Than We Thought?

    using those solar abundances of the elements, and their atomic weights, you can use Excel to determine the mass of each element present in the earth those calculations yield a total estimated mass of uranium in the entire planet. Which is comparable to the amount of uranium known to exist in...
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    Is There More Uranium in Earth's Core Than We Thought?

    If the abundance of Uranium in the Earth is around 10ppb... then the total mass of U in Earth is around 3e19g that's around 1e19 moles (virtually all U-238), corresponding to 3e23 decays / second, which would generate at most 2-3TW of power (attributing the entire 52MeV decay chain energy to...
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    I How can an expanding Universe look homogeneous?

    well, if gravity is an attractive interaction, how would one model the entropy of (say) a gas of pure H which would naturally tend to "clump" and bond into H2 ? How could you compare the entropy of pure H to the favored pure H2 state ?
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    I How can an expanding Universe look homogeneous?

    thanks for your reply :) so, you're discussing the collapses of stars?? dS = dQ/T as stars gravitationally collapse, their interiors heat up to millions & billions of degrees (T), even as they lose heat? dQ < 0 dS* = dQ/T < 0 whereas the surrounding environment is much cooler (t), so when...
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    I How can an expanding Universe look homogeneous?

    So I understand that going forward in time towards a hypothetical big crunch is not analogous to going backwards in time towards The Big Bang.Going forward to in time towards a big crunch, densities increase, energy densities increase, temperatures increase and entropy also increases. Like the...
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    B Asteroid/Near Earth object mining

    so, plausibly, solar radiative heating also underlies the particle emissions?
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    I How can an expanding Universe look homogeneous?

    Quoting one particle physicist, "Based on observations and the second law of thermodynamics, we know that at the beginning of the universe, a quantity called entropy was extremely low, and has been increasing ever since. Entropy can be thought of as a measure of disorder or randomness. A...
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    B Asteroid/Near Earth object mining

    Is it alright to ask a question and provide a possible if highly hypothetical speculative suggestion? I understand that Bennu is. Spinning up. And spewing out particles. Spinning up tells me the object is gravitationally differentiating. With higher density material, sinking towards the...
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    B The age of the Milky Way galaxy
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    B Could Solar Radiation Explain 'Oumuamua's Strange Trajectory?