Recent content by Ted123

  1. T

    Prove Green's Relations for Semigroup Morphism

    Homework Statement If \phi : S \to T is a semigroup morphism then show that if a\; \mathcal{R} \;b in S then a\phi \; \mathcal{R} \; b\phi in T. Homework Equations Recall that if S is a semigroup then for a\in S aS = \{as : s \in S \}\text{,}\;\;\;aS^1 = aS \cup \{a\}\text{.} The...
  2. T

    Young tableux (representation theory)

    Homework Statement Consider the irreducible representation V in the symmetric group S_5 corresponding to the Young diagram (these are meant to be boxes): [\;\;][\;\;] \\ [\;\;][\;\;] \\ [\;\;]\;\;\;\; (a) List all standard Young tableaux of the given shape (that is, list all the possible...
  3. T

    Permutations of a single number in the symmetric group

    Oh yeah of course. You don't have to write 1-cycles in a permutation so e=(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)=(1)=(2)=(3)=(4)=(5)=(1)(2)=(1)(3) etc.
  4. T

    Permutations of a single number in the symmetric group

    Say we have the symmetric group S_5. The permutations of \{2,5\} are the identity e and the transposition (25). But what are all the permutations of \{3\}? Is it e and the 1-cycle (3)?
  5. T

    Modulo Arithmetic: Is a^{\varphi(n)}\equiv 1 (mod \;n) for gcd(a,n)=1?

    Is it true that if A \equiv B \mod{\varphi(N)} where \varphi (N) is Euler's totient function then a^A \equiv a^B \mod{N}? I'm not after a proof or anything but I didn't do a number theory course and it seems that this fact is used in many questions I'm currently doing.
  6. T

    For which values of a,b,c is this true?

    So, assuming t\neq 0 (for if t=0 the equation is trivially true), I can conclude that the equation will be true for \alpha =1 for all c\in\mathbb{C}, a=0, b=0 and when \alpha \neq 1 it will only be true for a,b,c=0? In other words, whatever the value of \alpha, the equation will be true for...
  7. T

    For which values of a,b,c is this true?

    If \alpha =1 then a=0 and b=0 If \alpha \neq 1 then the first equation implies a(1-\alpha) = 0 so a=0 since \alpha \neq 1. Subbing a=0 into the second equation gives b=\alpha b so b(1-\alpha)=0 so b=0 since \alpha \neq 1. Subbing a=0, b=0 in the third equation gives c=0
  8. T

    For which values of a,b,c is this true?

    x is a variable and t\in\mathbb{R} and \alpha is a fixed constant. We want the equation to be true for all t. If you equate coefficients you get: a=\alpha a 2ta+b = \alpha b at^2 + bt + c = \alpha c For what values of a, b and c are these true?
  9. T

    For which values of a,b,c is this true?

    Homework Statement For which values of a,b,c\in\mathbb{C} is the following equation true? a(x+t)^2 + b(x+t) + c = \alpha(ax^2 + bx + c) where \alpha is some scalar. The Attempt at a Solution How do I go about this?
  10. T

    Representation Theory: Proving Invariant Subspaces and Decomposition Properties

    Homework Statement I think I've done (a) and (b) correctly (please check). I'm stuck as to how to describe all subspaces of V that are preserved by the operators \varphi(t) and how to prove that \varphi can't be decomposed into a direct sum \varphi = \varphi |_U \oplus \varphi |_{U'}...
  11. T

    If V is a 3-dimensional Lie algebra with basis vectors E,F,G

    If V is a 3-dimensional Lie algebra with basis vectors E,F,G with Lie bracket relations [E,F]=G, [E,G]=0, [F,G]=0 and V' is the Lie algebra consisting of all 3x3 strictly upper triangular matrices with complex entries then would you say the following 2 mappings (isomorphisms) are different? I...
  12. T

    Is Eisenstein's Criterion Applicable to Polynomials in the Gaussian Integers?

    Is the polynomial f(x) = x^7 + (3-i)x^2 + (3+4i)x + (4+2i) \in \mathbb{Z}[i][x] irreducible? 2+i is a Gauassian prime isn't it? And 2+i does not divide 1, 2+i | 3-i , 2+i | 3+4i , 2+i | 4+2i and (2+i)^2 = 3+4i which does not divide 4+2i.
  13. T

    Is Eisenstein's Criterion Applicable to Polynomials in the Gaussian Integers?

    My statement of Eisenstein's criterion is the following: Let R be an integral domain, P be prime ideal of R and f(x) = a_0 + a_1x + ... + a_n x^n \in R[x]. Suppose (1) a_0 , a_1 , ... , a_{n-1} \in P (2) a_0 \in P but a_0 \not\in P^2 (3) a_n \not\in P Then f has no divisors of...
  14. T

    Monotone Convergence Theorem Homework: Integrals & Increasing Sequences

    Homework Statement Homework Equations Monotone Convergence Theorem: The Attempt at a Solution I know this almost follows from the theorem. But I first need to write \displaystyle \int_{I_n} f = \int_S f_n for some f_n in such a...
  15. T

    Finding an Upper Bound for e^(-x^2) for Easy Integration

    Bingo! If only I'd drawn a graph first...