Recent content by Teachme

  1. T

    Why Does a Single Sine Wave Show Multiple Frequencies on a dB Graph?

    Yeah you are right. Thanks for your help though and making me realize the minus infinity to infinity thing. Don't think I would have thought about that even if I tried for a long time.
  2. T

    Why Does a Single Sine Wave Show Multiple Frequencies on a dB Graph?

    Oh I completely didn't think about that. That was totally confusing me. Thanks. There is no option to do that with the analyzer I am using, but I could probably just find another one that has that option. thanks again
  3. T

    Why Does a Single Sine Wave Show Multiple Frequencies on a dB Graph?

    Hmm I didn't count the cycles, but i just tested this by holding down the lower note for a longer period of time and the area taken up on the db vs frequency graph doesn't get lower over time. Would I expect it to?
  4. T

    Why Does a Single Sine Wave Show Multiple Frequencies on a dB Graph?

    Yeah, I'm a bit familiar, but I guess I should read up on it more. Thanks a bunch. Once more thing though. When I press and hold a high note I seem to get a much narrower spectrum as to when i press and hold a low note I get a broader spectrum. Here is an image of what I am talking about (high...
  5. T

    Why Does a Single Sine Wave Show Multiple Frequencies on a dB Graph?

    Ahh my sine has an abrubt start and end as it is a quarter note. So it has to be some sum of sines that make the start and end go to zero then?
  6. T

    Why Does a Single Sine Wave Show Multiple Frequencies on a dB Graph?

    So I am just working with a synth and I am having it create a single sine wave. I am then looking at the output on a db vs frequency graph and I would expect the db to only be reading at the frequency of that sine wave, but there are readings from 20 Hz all the way to 2k Hz sometimes(althought...
  7. T

    Don't know how to solve for Boundary values

    Ah yes I see now, I'm so dumb. Thanks so much! Always helps to talk about a problem.
  8. T

    Don't know how to solve for Boundary values

    Ah yes I see now, I'm so dumb. Thanks so much! Always helps to talk about a problem.
  9. T

    Don't know how to solve for Boundary values

    What about the xy plane? Would it be 0 to infinity?
  10. T

    Don't know how to solve for Boundary values

    What about the xy plane? Would it be 0 to infinity?
  11. T

    Don't know how to solve for Boundary values

    Thanks phyzguy Wouldn't it just be 0 when y=0?
  12. T

    Don't know how to solve for Boundary values

    Homework Statement[/B] Here is the link to the problem I am stuck on. I don't know what question b) means by solve for the boundary values? Are these the same as boundary conditions or are boundary values explicit values? Homework Equations NA The Attempt at a...
  13. T

    I Cryptography notation question

    Sorry thanks, here is fixed pic
  14. T

    I Cryptography notation question

    I was just reading a cryptography book and have a question about something the author states I highlighed the statement in yellow and included a pictures. So I was wondering if the function could be written as E(M,K) = C instead of Ek(M)=C since the fact that E is dependent on K. If not why...