Recent content by Tayler

  1. T

    I Exploring the Universe with a Particle Accelerator

    Yeah exactly, I've heard of that equivalence principle and I thought that if the universe were to be infinite then wouldn't that contradict said "equivalence principle"? How have you got a finite number of anything in an infinite universe? Probably a question for a different category.
  2. T

    I Exploring the Universe with a Particle Accelerator

    If experiments were conducted with a particle accelerator in a distant space from Earth or even our galaxy somewhere in the universe would the results change? I.e finding different elements ect..
  3. T

    B Seeing a half Moon - where is the Sun?

    So I've just done a bit of digging and there is this thing called the terminator illusion. Maybe this could be a factor?
  4. T

    B Exploring the Possibility of Expanding Atoms

    I meant everyone! Haha where I'm from the word "guys" is used not so gender specific. 🤷‍♂️
  5. T

    B Exploring the Possibility of Expanding Atoms

    All you guys are amazing people! I definitely wish to study advanced mathematics to get my head around all the equations and have more of an understanding. This stuff is great! Love it!
  6. T

    B Exploring the Possibility of Expanding Atoms

    I think I'm starting to understand somewhat!
  7. T

    B Exploring the Possibility of Expanding Atoms

    Why thankyou will. As deep as I need to get a decent idea of the universe! I'm sure I'll learn a good .00000001% in a few years 😂
  8. T

    B Exploring the Possibility of Expanding Atoms

    So "stuff" meaning matter? And are you saying the density of the space its contained in is moving apart, or of the physical object itself?
  9. T

    B Seeing a half Moon - where is the Sun?

    Maybe I've just spent to much time overthinking it 😅🤷‍♂️ but yes ill definitely have a play around with some balls 😂 I am sure that won't look strange haha
  10. T

    B Exploring the Possibility of Expanding Atoms

    Change how and from what?
  11. T

    B Seeing a half Moon - where is the Sun?

    Notice that the dark side of the moon shouldn't be dark. Sorry about my artwork haha
  12. T

    B Exploring the Possibility of Expanding Atoms

    Sorry haha I did mean m3. So from what you just said I imagine spacetime is like a loaf of bread where each slice is bigger then the last and each slice contains the entire universe and is a different point in time. Each slice gets bigger but its contents stay unchanged. So hypothetically if...
  13. T

    B Exploring the Possibility of Expanding Atoms

    So basically, in a square metre of space, the concentration of particles will decrease over time. Correct? But would there be any significant change to the particle itself?