Recent content by tanker

  1. T

    News Obama comes out swinging - US missile strikes in Pakistan

    I suppose I don't mean these missile strikes in particular, it has been my experience since 2003 (well, and before that) that firing missiles into a foreign country (killing innocents and all that) that hasn't done anything directly to the US is a bad thing. Again, isn't that one of the (if not...
  2. T

    News Obama comes out swinging - US missile strikes in Pakistan

    So how come no one's calling Obama out on ordering one, when they most certainly would if Bush was ordering it (possible destruction of property, possible killing of innocents, the usual)?
  3. T

    News If the Vatican is against Obama he must be on the right track.

    Phew, I was worried this thread was going to devolve into religion-bashing sweeping statements, rather than an objective discussion. :rolleyes:
  4. T

    News Obama comes out swinging - US missile strikes in Pakistan

    Why do I get the feeling that if Bush had been in office when these attacks happened, it would mean more accusations of enforcing the Bush doctrine, or worse. But when Obama does it, he's being strong? It makes me wonder if Obama's worship status really does make him immune from criticisms...
  5. T

    How to fight against metaphysics and pseudoscience?

    I'm not so sure it is. Some people simply do not want to/lack the smarts to understand much of this stuff. Take the usual QM example. People will spout the uh...things...that you-know-which movies promote. But if someone really wants to know the subject in depth but doesn't know much on...
  6. T

    Is it Possible to Get Jobs in Bomb and Gun Building with a B.S. in Physics?

    My dad (who also only has a bachelor's in physics - of course things are probably different now) designed torpedoes, mines and the like for British Aerospace. He said it was extremely interesting, for example things like the delivery systems or fluid/aerodynamics. So I'm sure from a purely...
  7. T

    Can Morality Be Considered a Scientific Discipline?

    Okay I quoted the whole thing because you really, really need to use small, simple words. At least more of them. I have NEVER EVER seen a higher concentration of the word "paradigm," for example. Which suggests to me either 1. you didn't write this, or 2. you're trying to seem like an...
  8. T

    The young and the desperate: Does life have to be mundane and average?

    Yeah, I'm 19 and I hear all this stuff. Like, oh what are you going to do with that degree (physics and math) in these uncertain times, blah blah blah. University's no good unless you're in commerce or medicine (possibly engineering), etc. You're better off being a tradesman, at least they...
  9. T

    How hard is it really to get into top school grad program

    Then what's equivalent to getting an A in college? :confused:
  10. T

    Nose-picking, suspender-wearing, 'token girls' and 'nerds' in Physics Depts. WHY?

    You seem to imply that due to religious fundamentalism, there is distrust of science. While that is likely true, I think there's a bigger reason for the whole "eww science" thing. Really, there was this huge attitude during the 50's and 60's that science would solve everything, solve all our...
  11. T

    What is the relationship between units of time and space in relativity?

    :confused: I'm pretty sure velocity has units...
  12. T

    What Math Concepts Should I Master Before Starting College?

    Definitely take calculus in high school, if you can. It's true that your first year math will be calculus, but it will be much easier to know what's going on, and should be an easy A. Some first year physics courses are calculus based (and these are the ones generally geared for physics...
  13. T

    Maximizing Success: Strategies for Becoming a Hard Worker in Math and Physics

    Hmm well look how much Tesla accomplished... I suppose it's different when you're doing research, working in a lab etc. If you can pull off minimal sleep, the amount you get done in a lab or whatever would be closely tied to how much time you spent there. Here, I'm talking about...
  14. T

    Maximizing Success: Strategies for Becoming a Hard Worker in Math and Physics

    But now you're just telling them "get a thirst for knowledge." See, that's something that you either have or you don't. It's very possible (likely) that they never will. I'm terrible at drawing stuff. So if I'm doing badly, do you tell me, "enjoy it more?" I don't think I ever would...
  15. T

    Taking Calculus II & Linear Algebra: Is It Too Much?

    In the semester that just finished, I took honours multivariable calc, honours linear algebra, and differential equations. I still can't say how well those turned out though since the results aren't out. Funny, for me, my linear algebra was by far the hardest of the three. I don't "get it"...