Recent content by Tanarif

  1. T

    How do proteins get into the blood stream?

    Ah thanks a ton, precisely what I was looking for.
  2. T

    How do proteins get into the blood stream?

    Hi there, So I'm asking this in reference to the injection of insulin, which is commonly done subcutaneously (in the hypodermis, a fatty part of skin). Now I know proteins usually get into the blood when digested through the stomach/intestines - but I was wondering how they manage to get into...
  3. T

    Determinant of a 4x4 Matrix - Check my answer please?

    Homework Statement Hey guys, I usually have no trouble with 3x3 matrices, and for a 4x4 I've a rough idea how to do it but not entirely sure if I did it correct. I've attached my attempt below with working out. The matrix: \begin{pmatrix} 0 & 2 & 0 & 0 \\7 & a+1 & 3 & a+1 \\1 & 0 & 2 &...
  4. T

    How can I find the denaturing/breaking temperature of a molecule?

    Cheers for that, I've bookmarked it and will purchase and give it a read in a week or two when I'm off from exams. I'll send it over if you're interested. Collagen and GH are fairly differing in structure, no? It seems about right for collagen as I would imagine it to be a bigger in structure...
  5. T

    How can I find the denaturing/breaking temperature of a molecule?

    So essentially, I'm trying to find the temperature at which growth hormone (GH) denatures. I've got a box of it and it says "refrigerate at between 2'C to 9'C". I'm keeping it at room temperature (it's not for use atm), but would like to find out how to know at what temperature GH would break...
  6. T

    How Does Calculus Relate to Relational Database Technology?

    Thanks, will do so. Just to quickly ask, do you refer to a specific study of logic, or just logic in a more general sense?
  7. T

    How Does Calculus Relate to Relational Database Technology?

    As a person learning calculus, I always get frustrated by considering the practical applications of it. In an interview Larry Ellison said this about relational database programming: "Relational database technology was invented by a guy by the name of Ted Codd at IBM. It's based on...