Recent content by synoptic

  1. S

    Can someone explain the difference between Volts and Electron Volts?

    rbj wins a big fat cigar :smile: It's nice when the obvious strikes you in the face :smile: Cheers.
  2. S

    Can someone explain the difference between Volts and Electron Volts?

    Quite right, apologies for the typo.
  3. S

    Can someone explain the difference between Volts and Electron Volts?

    Ok, this is where I am going wrong obviously. The problem is I need to be un-confused...
  4. S

    Can someone explain the difference between Volts and Electron Volts?

    OK, Bear with me, I'm a mature student returning to the sciences after a 16 year break... I'm currently reading up on electricity and cannot, for the life of me, get my head around what 'appears' to be an inconsistency. Obviously my brain isn't 'seeing' the answer properly just yet so I...