Recent content by Switters12

  1. S

    Schools Grad school with liberal arts degree

    Can I get into a science/engineering grad program with a liberal arts degree? If this is is possible, I assume that one would have to complete a certain number of prerequisites. Is there some kind of standard list? Thanks.
  2. S

    Engineering Careers that combine marketing and engineering/computer science

    I'm interested in both marketing (creativity, communication, persuasion) and engineering/computer science (theory and its application to develop new technologies). What are some careers that combine the two?
  3. S

    Programs What second major should I choose for a successful career after college?

    I've taken classes in all three. I've also seen some lectures of the more advanced classes from MIT opencoureware. I'm interested in computer graphics, augmented reality, aritificial intelligence, and human-computer interfaces. To be honest, I'm not exactly sure of what I want to do. I just...
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    Programs What second major should I choose for a successful career after college?

    Hey, thanks for your reply. What do you think are the main differences between doing mathematics and computer science?
  5. S

    Programs What second major should I choose for a successful career after college?

    Hi, I'm currently a student at Rutgers University (New Brunswick). I began college with an interest in marketing. I decided to major in philosophy because I thought it would give me the best skill set for such a career. However, I ended up developing an interest in engineering from my courses in...