Recent content by swirlyink

  1. swirlyink

    What is the functioning principle of magnetometers?

    Hey everyone! I'm participating in a sort of beginning class for building rockets and drones. As part of this, I'm to research information about a component of our sensors, specifically, a magnetometer. We're using the LSM9DS1 stick. I'm having a hard time finding any information about how...
  2. swirlyink

    Programs SULI DOE Acceptance Thread Summer 2017

    I think the first choice lab are done with offers by now, but we still have the second choice lab!
  3. swirlyink

    Programs SULI DOE Acceptance Thread Summer 2017

    Applied for CCI DOE at Brookhaven in Nuclear Technology and such. Still waiting there. I applied for Nuclear Physics at Michigan State U and am applying for the same at TUNL.
  4. swirlyink

    Studying Need help finding an ok sleep schedule while in school

    From my experience, it's a very personal thing. 8 hours is recommended-I actually sleep better with 5 or 7. I'm a night owl by nature, but actually work better in the mornings. As choppy said there's a lot of factors that you should be paying attention to when deciding what kind of sleep and...
  5. swirlyink

    Physics Double Majoring in Chem and Physics

    I'm gearing up to finish the last physics undergrad course offered at my community college which covers modern physics. Just finished up electricity and magnetism last semester. The lure lies in modern physics, nuclear atomic, high energy. I know it's somewhat premature as I have that last...
  6. swirlyink

    Physics Double Majoring in Chem and Physics

    I'm currently a chemistry major at a community college. I'll be transferring next fall to a UC here in California (Davis or Berkeley). I still love chemistry, but now I'm wondering if my true interest would be best served by studying physics instead. My interest mainly lies in atomic/nuclear...