Recent content by SWFvanRijk

  1. SWFvanRijk

    What interests and hobbies do you have, Sebastiaan?

    Hey I am Sebastiaan, physics undergrad student in Utrecht, the Netherlands at Utrecht University. 25 years old, could share hobbies / interests if anyone would like to know. Looking forward to ask and answer questions, maybe some exciting discussions on the side :P
  2. SWFvanRijk

    A Are Mesons in Colour Singlet State?

    I read that hadrons are in colour singlet state and that gluons are not and that the colour singlet gluon is forbidden for the reason of making strong force a long range force otherwise (and that SU(3) has 8 generators and thus 8 gluons) but my question is: are mesons in a colour singlet state...