Recent content by Swetasuria

  1. S

    The Chemistry Mystery: Why Some Love and Others Loathe This Subject

    I can't bring myself to like this subject. And I can't do my desired course without being good at it. Its like one information after the other and some things make no sense and too many exceptions. :cry: If there's someone out there who likes chemistry, then please tell me what about this...
  2. S

    Does photorespiration help avoid photorespiration?

    In C3 plants, RuBisCO acts as an oxygenase when CO2 concentration is below a certain value. As a result, a process called photorespiration takes place. Photorespiration leads to the formation of toxic ammonia and CO2. Moreover, it uses up ATP and don't form glucose. So its considered a wasteful...
  3. S

    Are Integration and Differentiation True Opposites in Calculus?

    Okay, so is there a relation betwwen the slope of curve and area under curve (if there is one, I mean)? I'm pretty confused here.:rolleyes:
  4. S

    Probability all balls are white.

    Homework Statement A bag contains 4 balls. Two balls are drawn at random, and are found to be white. What is the probability that all balls are white? 2. Relevent equations At school, I'm currently learning Bayes' theorem, probability disribution and Bernoulli trials. The Attempt at a...
  5. S

    Time taken for body under free fall

    Okay. So y=yo+ut-gt2/2 0=45-30t-5t2 t=1.242s
  6. S

    Time taken for body under free fall

    If the origin is on the ground, the distance (which is above the origin) will be positive, right?
  7. S

    Time taken for body under free fall

    Homework Statement A ball is dropped from the top of a cliff. If time taken for half of the descent is 3s, then what is the time taken for the rest of rest of the descent? Take g=10m/s2 Homework Equations T=√(2h/g) v=u-gt s=ut-gt2/2 The Attempt at a Solution T=√(2h/g) h=T2g/2=45m...
  8. S

    Inheritance: What is the chance of the next calf being amputated

    Okay. So the answers are 24, 8, 24 and 16/24=2/3 respectively.
  9. S

    Inheritance: What is the chance of the next calf being amputated

    Answers are 24/32=3/4, 8/32=1/4, 24/32=3/4 and 16/32=1/2 respectively. I hope these are right. I notice that these are the answers I get if the family had only one child.
  10. S

    Inheritance: What is the chance of the next calf being amputated

    If the offsprings did not inherit the bad gene, the probability of getting a dead calf is zero? P=1/2 Correct?
  11. S

    Inheritance: What is the chance of the next calf being amputated

    Is k=2 (since we need two ampuated calves) and n=2 (parents breed two times)? What is the value for p?1/4?:confused: When I substitute these values, I get P=1/16 :smile:
  12. S

    Inheritance: What is the chance of the next calf being amputated

    While having their first child, [favourable outcome (ie., amputated calf)]/[total number of outcomes]=1/4 Same chances with second child. So, the probability of having 2 amputated calves= [total number of favourable outcomes]/[total number of outcomes]=2/8=1/4
  13. S

    Inheritance: What is the chance of the next calf being amputated

    Homework Statement The absence of legs in cattle (amputated) has been attributed to a completely recessive lethal gene. A normal bull is mated with a normal cow and they produce an amputad calf (usually dead at birth). The same parents are mated again. 1) What is the chance of the next calf...
  14. S

    Answers to Doubts on -15 as L.C.M., Complex Numbers & More

    I am starting to get it, I think. Thanks for your replies.
  15. S

    Answers to Doubts on -15 as L.C.M., Complex Numbers & More

    But we can't ever represent i with numbers. I know (-1)^(1/2) is a representation of i. If we are not allowed to use any notations(like root, sigma, integral etc.), what is i? We don't know(or atleast I don't know)! Maybe that's why we call it an imaginary number?