Recent content by swell9

  1. S

    Why is work done by the system a negative quantity?

    Oh I think it is pretty irritating and kind of pointless to have two sign conventions. Thanks for help. Can anyone confirm this?
  2. S

    Why is work done by the system a negative quantity?

    Hello, I'm reading a book about a gas volume inside a system. It says that when the volume expands due to the heated gas, the system is doing work. I understand that part. But it says that the value for work is negative because the system is doing work. From all the physics I have been...
  3. S

    Buoyant force and volume submerged

    Thanks so much. It is clear now.
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    Buoyant force and volume submerged

    Is this scenario referring to objects that do not have the same volume? Basically what I'm saying: if they have the same volume then they necessarily displace the same liquid volume. Is this statement correct?
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    Buoyant force and volume submerged

    Oh wow I'm officially an idiot now. Thanks though :P
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    Buoyant force and volume submerged

    Hello, This is bugging me so I'd appreciate any help. I have two objects made from the same material with the same mass. The base of Object 2 is 3 times that of Object 1. If I place the objects base first in a liquid, why is the buoyant force on them equal? What here is what I'm...
  7. S

    Banked curve: question about friction and normal force

    Thanks a lot. I never knew there were so many forces. the weight of the car due to gravity (downwards) >> This would be the weight, correct? the reaction force from the car related to centrpetal acceleration of the car (outwards) >> isn't this force the centrifugal force and thus is a...
  8. S

    Banked curve: question about friction and normal force

    thanks for the help. So the normal force is dependent upon speed in this case. I guess I cannot see how speed changes the normal force...
  9. S

    Banked curve: question about friction and normal force

    Thank you.. I see.. but then, why does the normal force change? does that mean it is speed dependent? thanks
  10. S

    Banked curve: question about friction and normal force

    Hello, From what I understand a car negotiating a banked cruve of angle \theta at a speed V0 does not experience a force of friction. But if the car goes to a speed higher than V0, then friction acts in the direction of the cruve. i.e. inwards And if the car goes at a speed lower than V0...