Recent content by Sven Tingblad

  1. S

    Is Thinking Essential for Existence?

    Look, even if we were all computer programs, we still exist. You can get into a debate on our essence (are we programs? people? both? neither?), but it seems to me that whatever has an underlying essence exists. The whole "I think therefore I am" line could work if thinking implies an essence...
  2. S

    Calculus and Pizza - Explore Clifford Pickover's Book & Calculus Resources

    Maybe some types of analysis come later; but functional analysis, which I am taking, seems to perfectly fit between Algebra II and Calculus. So far it's just been crudely drawing functions with their asymptotes, graphing logarithms and exponents, and trigonometry. Nothing too fancy, and...
  3. S

    Calculus and Pizza - Explore Clifford Pickover's Book & Calculus Resources

    Thank you all for the replies and suggestions. I have almost finished Calculus and Pizza, and I must say that it is an awesome book. I have no idea how good it is compared to any other calculus texts, but I highly recommend it. One caveat, though: do not buy this book if you want nothing but...
  4. S

    Riddle: How to Escape an Island with Lava & Gun-Wielding Boats

    Well, it would be kinda stupid, but: Swim to the boats, and they will shoot you. You will float away and then be "off the island," just like the riddle asks.
  5. S

    Calculus and Pizza - Explore Clifford Pickover's Book & Calculus Resources

    I am currently reading Clifford Pickover's book Calculus and Pizza. I'm taking analysis right now, but I just want to get a head start on calculus. Does anyone know how much of a standard calculus course this book covers? And what other good, easy-to-read calculus books are there?
  6. S

    PI: More mokeys with Typewriters?

    I think pi has every finite number combination. It has only one infinitely long string of numbers: itself.
  7. S

    Unpacking the Concept of Intelligence: Definitions, Principles, and Action

    I think intelligence is the ability to act in response to a cause with an effect that is dynamically determined by a brain/cpu to be a good idea. For instance, if you just hardwire a tree-dwelling robot to respond to movement by firing off twenty machine guns at an unsuspecting squirrel, then...
  8. S

    Is the chair in The Matrix real or just a programmed illusion?

    Nashan and Imparticle, y'all are close to what I meant. Everything that exists falls into one of three mutually exclusive catergories: 1. We can sense it, and we do sense it 2. We can sense it, but we don't sense it 3. We can't sense it, so we don't sense it Everything that we sense...
  9. S

    Is the chair in The Matrix real or just a programmed illusion?

    Sorry if it is hard to follow; I've never been good at putting ideas into words. My first post is basically intended to be an answer to the question in the movie. After all, they never answered it in the movie and it is an interesting question. In the first paragraph I try to define existence...
  10. S

    Is the chair in The Matrix real or just a programmed illusion?

    Alright, if any of you have seen The Matrix, then you have heard Morpheous's question to Neo concerning reality. In the matrix, Neo and Morpheous see a red chair and a television. Neo says that none of it is real, based on the logic that it is all of a computer program. Morpheous responds by...
  11. S

    Self-taught wannabe any advice?

    Although I'm one of the better math students in my class, I know exactly what you are talking about when it comes to physical science. I couldn't handle the hybrid nature of the class, i.e., much information is explained, but much is still supposed to be taken as truth without any explanation...
  12. S

    Is -1 a Prime Number? Exploring the Smallest Prime Number Debate

    Thanks for clearing that up. I knew something had to be wrong with it, or it would have been discovered centuries ago. I guess nothing is as simple as it seems.
  13. S

    Is -1 a Prime Number? Exploring the Smallest Prime Number Debate

    I'm sorry if this is a stupid question, it certainly seems like someone must have have thought of it before. Anyway, here it is: is -1 a prime number? After all, primes are divisible only by the number 1 and by themselves. -1 is divisible only by 1 and itself. Is it therefore the smallest...
  14. S

    Infinite monkey's writing shakespeare possible?

    It just came to me! They must have been sent back in time using the inter-dimensional gateway from the Planet of the Apes. Director Tim Burton somehow got wind of this perilous plot and re-made the movie Planet of the Apes to show apes coming back in time in order to warn us. Strangely, even...
  15. S

    Infinite monkey's writing shakespeare possible?

    OK, first I'll take the "pure" scenario, i.e. the random number generator generating a specific number. If the generator can generate any number at all, and you want it to generate a specific number given infinite time, it almost certainly won't happen. You see, it can generate an infinite...