Recent content by sushifiend

  1. S

    Engineering or Physics for Entrepreneurship?

    mikey123555, I'm actually trying to accomplish a similar goal as yours. Except in reverse. You want to go to school and become an entrepreneur. I'm an entrepreneur who wants to (possibly) go back to school. I dropped out of high school, taught myself programming and eventually ended up founding...
  2. S

    So You Want To Be A Physicist Discussion

    I'm just curious what it really means to have a "rigorous" grasp of math in physics. I guess it's not so much about being able to prove and calculate all the derivations of math stuff but more akin to having a large well of mathematical knowledge and tools beyond the basics of calculus, linear...
  3. S

    Other Becoming an Engineer: Considerations and Personal Experiences

    Hey guys, I have a weird background. I dropped out early on in high school to pursue a career in programming and entrepreneurship and now (at 26) I'm in the privileged position of having the freedom to really pursue what I want. I don't have to weigh any decisions about what I want to study...
  4. S

    Learning math through programming?

    I guess the consensus is in and it ain't good. I'm still hoping though that there is an engaging way to use Matlab, or programming to at least reinforce what I've learned through textbooks. Anyways, back to my goal. I'd like to first be able to tackle a rigorous Calculus book like Courant's and...
  5. S

    Learning math through programming?

    In short, I'm looking to switch careers but I need to learn math from the ground up. I like the idea of physics or engineering (Specifically something related to product design). Problem is, I have a really crappy math background and need to fill in that gap in knowledge, among other things...