Recent content by SuperTzar

  1. SuperTzar

    Magnetic Repulsion for a Loudspeaker Motor

    Funny you should mention that because I found an interesting paper on the design of a loudspeaker motor designed to have a linear magnetic field in a very deep gap: Page 7 of that document shows an example of the...
  2. SuperTzar

    Magnetic Repulsion for a Loudspeaker Motor

    Thank you! That clears it up immensely. I'm pretty familiar with the magnetic circuit in a traditional loudspeaker, I just thought this one might somehow be different.
  3. SuperTzar

    Magnetic Repulsion for a Loudspeaker Motor There's the link to the page, the section on the repulsion circuit is a little ways down. Google doesn't do a great job of translating the page, but it seems to say that having two magnets opposed like that indeed generate a more uniform...
  4. SuperTzar

    Magnetic Repulsion for a Loudspeaker Motor

    Hello, I have found an interesting alternative to the common loudspeaker motor in the form of a magnetic repulsion circuit. The picture below shows the basic idea. A coil is suspended between two magnets (or pairs of magnets) that are a certain distance apart. The magnets are mounted so that...
  5. SuperTzar

    How Do Loudspeakers Work in Physics?

    Hi everyone! I'm a student of Chemistry who somehow became very interested in certain areas of physics, like electromagnetism and semiconductors. I'm also something of an audiophile, so I'm very interested in learning how loudspeakers work. I'll be posting a thread about that shortly... Thanks...