Recent content by SuperKamiokande

  1. S

    If we are light, what would we see?

    Of course you would be able to see when traveling at light speed! There are no textbook answers because such a situation is impossible since we would require infinite energy to be accelerated to such speeds. But since objects emit/reflect photons constantly, we would observe lorentz distance...
  2. S

    Why do people talk as if the Twin Paradox is problematic?

    I couldn't really be bothered reading everything everyone had to say but i got the gist of it from the beginning. It is possible to solve the twins paradox in terms of SR. Instead of taking a laser light, take pulses of laser light released from each twin. Now consider the twin on Earth, he...
  3. S

    Exploring the Moon: Then and Now

    Well, I think robotic missions should be sent first to assess the adequacy of setting up habitats on such worlds first. The martian topography is very indicative of there having been water. Perhaps this water lies beneath the surface of mars? Investigation should be made. And Jovian moons...
  4. S

    Which force drives the expansion of the universe?

    I know there is all this dark energy - negative pressure malarky going on... but what if there some longer range (on extragalatic scales) force at work? In essence a dissociative force which scales to gravity as gravity scales to electromagnetism?
  5. S

    Perpetual Motion: Is Cosmos an Endless Machine?

    The resevoir of unlimited energy is a bit OTT. You can reconcile this by taking the vacuum potential of space and absolute zero potetial as being two separate entities. Now let's say the universe formed at a semistable potential above zero. The subsequent drop from this semistable point would...
  6. S

    Exploring the Moon: Then and Now

    Isn't tht your personal preference over technological ability? Realistically, we would have to have some set up on Mars or the Moon before we go anywhere else in the solar system. The biosphere dome experiments on Earth are all well and good but would they stand up in space? The problem here...
  7. S

    Exploring the Expansion of the Universe

    The Great Attractor (GA) is a local anomaly in the CMB. While the intrinsic WMAP dipole shows that we are moving with velocity towards this "Great Attractor" we find that the gravitational acceleration we experience from observable galaxies and galaxy clusters cannot reconcile the magnitude of...