Recent content by SuchBants

  1. SuchBants

    How to allocate study time in physics?

    Hi, I'm a 3rd year (Scottish so a 4 year undergrad degree) student doing Physics. Obviously many of you will have been through a Physics/Maths degree and this question is for you. I'm finding that the volume of content this year is so much that I spend all my time keeping up on course notes...
  2. SuchBants

    Finding the max frequency of a driven oscillator

    So I've derived the equation for the amplitude of a driven oscillator as: \huge A=\frac{F}{m\sqrt{(\omega_{0}^{2}-\omega_{d}^{2})^{2}+4\gamma^{2}\omega_{d}^{2}}} Which is what my lecturer has written. Then taking the derivative and setting it to 0 to get the turning point. He makes this leap...
  3. SuchBants

    Uncertainty larger than the plotted value This tells you how they got 0.8%. So take 0.8% of the difference or of each value and then sum them? The fact my graph gives me a best fit line with a very accurate value for g suggests the errors are...
  4. SuchBants

    Uncertainty larger than the plotted value

    No you are absolutely right. The sensor used ultrasound to give the distance to a mass hanger, the hanger was on a spring and left to reach equilibrium. I averaged 5 seconds worth of data, roughly 50 samples which differed by 0.00001m usually. So there is a masssive number of readings that were...
  5. SuchBants

    Uncertainty larger than the plotted value

    Here is the sensor and errors: But do I not have to plot the extension of the spring? I'm finding g.
  6. SuchBants

    Uncertainty larger than the plotted value

    Homework Statement I'm determining g by the extension of a spring. I used a PASCO motion sensor to record the displacement of the spring towards the sensor since it is more accurate than myself using a ruler. The uncertainty in the distance on the sensor is 0.8%. I get the uncertainty in...
  7. SuchBants

    Estimate Decay Coefficient in Ae^-at Graph

    Homework Statement How can I estimate the decay coefficient in Ae^-at for this graph I know the equilibrium position Homework Equations damped oscillation The Attempt at a Solution not sure if this is right.[/B]
  8. SuchBants

    Uncertainty in the intersection of two lines with error bars

    Maybe this will help. First is the graph here: Next I read off the intersect of the red line for a number of estimated equilibrium positions to produce the following table: Then calculating the intervals I then calculated the mean of sets of intervals as shown. Then calculating the random...
  9. SuchBants

    Uncertainty in the intersection of two lines with error bars

    Yes - the intersect of the two lines of best fit.
  10. SuchBants

    Uncertainty in the intersection of two lines with error bars

    Yea prism has given me an error in the slope but this doesn't take into account the error bars. The data plotted is mean intervals for an oscillation. Therefore I put the uncertainty in the interval is the random uncertainty in the mean for each point. This was about 2-3% in most. No I haven't...
  11. SuchBants

    Uncertainty in the intersection of two lines with error bars

    The only thing I wish to take from this graph is the intersect of the two lines of best fit. How can I get the uncertainty in this point? While the points appear to have the same uncertainties, they actually each have their own distinct % uncertainty. Would the maximum uncertainty in the X...
  12. SuchBants

    I Cavendish experiment to determine G

    I think I've understood it now. Ignoring the oscillations as just a result of it being a twisting of a wire, then the wire rotates θ to the rest position due to the gravitational attraction of the two large spheres. And it rotates θ to the other rest position when the balls are moved - therefore...
  13. SuchBants

    I Cavendish experiment to determine G

    So the small balls would rotate clockwise initially, then anticlockwise due to the restoring torque which gives it its oscillatory motion. And the reverse would happen if the large balls were in the other position. I can picture that this would produce two arcs where the equilibrium positions...