Recent content by subzero0137

  1. S

    Statistical physics question - particles in a magnetic field

    I got $$s = \frac {N}{2} \frac {e^{\frac {2μB}{kT} - 1}}{1 + e^{\frac{2μB}{kT}}}$$ Should I plug this in U?
  2. S

    Statistical physics question - particles in a magnetic field

    $$S = k ln Ω(N,s) = k ln \frac {N!}{\left (\frac{N}{2} + s \right)! \left (\frac {N}{2} - s \right)!}$$ Applying Stirling's approximation gives: $$S = k \left [NlnN - \left (\frac {N}{2} + s \right) ln \left (\frac {N}{2} + s \right) - \left (\frac {N}{2} - s \right) ln \left (\frac {N}{2} - s...
  3. S

    Statistical physics question - particles in a magnetic field

    I got $$S = -Nk \frac {μB}{kT} tanh (\frac {μB}{kT}) + ln (2cosh(\frac{μB}{kT}))$$. Letting T→∞ gives ##S = -Nk (\frac{μB}{kT})^2 + ln 2##. Something doesn't seem right. I didn't even get to use the expression for U at T→∞ to get this entropy even though the question wants me to use it?
  4. S

    Statistical physics question - particles in a magnetic field

    Hmm, I'm still not able to get the expression for entropy at infinite T as given in the question. Here's my attempt so far: $$S = - \frac {∂A}{∂T} = - \frac {∂}{∂T} (-kT ln(Z_N)$$ where ##Z_N = (2 cosh(\frac {μB}{kT})^N##. When T→∞, cosh(x)→1 so ##Z_N = 2^N##. Therefore $$S = k ln(2^N)$$ But...
  5. S

    Statistical physics question - particles in a magnetic field

    Okay, I got tanh(x) ≈ x from the Taylor expansion, so I managed to obtain the expression ##U = - \frac {N (μB)^2}{kT}## for the T→∞ limit. Is this correct? I'm still confused about the entropy part. Am I supposed to calculate the helmholtz energy first?
  6. S

    Statistical physics question - particles in a magnetic field

    Homework Statement [/B] I'm stuck on part (b) and (c) of the following question Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution The partition function was ##Z_N = 2 cosh(μBβ)## where ##β = \frac {1}{kT}##. From there I used ##U = - \frac {∂}{∂β} ln (Z_n)## to get ##U = -NμB tanh( \frac...
  7. S

    Solving Maxwell Relations Homework with Van der Waals Gas

    Homework Statement [/B] I'm stuck on part c of the attached problem: Homework Equations $$C_P - C_V = \left[P + \left( \frac {∂U}{∂V} \right)_T \right]\left( \frac {∂V}{∂T} \right)_P$$ $$P + \left( \frac {∂U}{∂V} \right)_T = T \left( \frac {∂P}{∂T} \right)_V$$ $$\left(P + \frac {a}{V^2}...
  8. S

    How Is Cp - Cv Calculated for an Ideal Monatomic Gas Using Thermodynamics?

    Homework Statement [/B] Use the equation $$C_p - C_v = \left[ P + \left( \frac {∂U}{∂V} \right)_T\right] \left[ \left( \frac {∂V}{∂T} \right)_P \right]$$ to find ##C_p - C_v## for an ideal monatomic gas. Homework Equations ##U = \frac {3}{2} RT## ##PV = RT## The Attempt at a Solution I...
  9. S

    Infinitely long molecular zipper

    Thanks for the reply. So I'm on the right track with my partition function?
  10. S

    Infinitely long molecular zipper

    Homework Statement [/B] A "molecular zipper" has two rows of molecules, and each row has a large number of monomers. A monomer from one row is weakly linked to a monomer in the other row. The zipper can unzip from one end by breaking the bond between pairs of monomers. A bond can be broken...
  11. S

    Centre of mass of a hollow pyramid

    Thanks, I managed to obtain the follow expression for the CoM of the pyramid with the cavity: $$CoM = \frac {B^2 H^2 - b^2 h^2} {4(B^2 H - b^2 h)}$$ Is this correct?
  12. S

    Centre of mass of a hollow pyramid

    Okay, I think the equation makes sense as you put it. Just to confirm, it is H/4 - h/4 in this case, right? I think I'm just having a hard time understanding it intuitively because from the diagram it looks like the pyramid is heavier at the top in hollow case.
  13. S

    Centre of mass of a hollow pyramid

    I'm assuming yes, or it is the volume that is important? I'm struggling to understand why it would shift down and not up if it is hollow from the bottom?