Recent content by sturle

  1. sturle

    How does a vacuum ejector using air work?

    Okey, I am not sure if I am able to calculate this stuff because i don't have a lot of information about the properties along the way. I don't have any equipment to messure the temperature at given states, or won't there be a big change in temperature? its not a jet engine were talking about
  2. sturle

    How does a vacuum ejector using air work?

    Thats what I was questioning, cause i read somewhere that you can`t use bernoullis on compressible fuids when the velocity is higher than 0.3 mach. In that case, do any of you know how i can calculate the pressure and velocity dealing with this kind of speed?
  3. sturle

    How does a vacuum ejector using air work?

    Hello I`m working on a vacuum project, and I am trying to understand how the vacuum ejector I am using works. I understant the basic principle of how it works, but can anybody here try to explain the concept in detail, taking into consideration that I am using air? Most of the stuff i find...