Recent content by Strangeline

  1. S

    I want to create an ultrasonic generator amplifier w/ MOSFET

    So after watching this I realize composite transistors must have complementary parts (NP or PN) which I believe means I can just pair up the pairs (NP)(NP)(NP)(NP)... as many times as I want as long as I have power source capable of feeding the gate capacitance like the crude diagram below...
  2. S

    I want to create an ultrasonic generator amplifier w/ MOSFET

    1. hopefully not kill myself 2. I am trying to build a high-powered ultrasonic nebulizer 3. I'd also like to use my transducers to do some ultrasonic levitation with some really fine particles
  3. S

    I want to create an ultrasonic generator amplifier w/ MOSFET

    Firstly, I'm only a beginner at electronics and most of my knowledge comes from googling things. I have (several) ultrasonic transducers (100 watt 40 khz) i'd like to drive with my ultrasonic generator (100 watts 40 khz) but I'd like to up the amplitude of my transducers because I want the...
  4. S

    Can't have high voltage function generator. What about low voltage Tesla coil?

    im really grateful for all your help, admittedly i know very little about this. i don't even know what kind of metal my load is made of (atwometal miniature wire fence looking sheets, separated at a fixed distance by some cardboard wrapped in electrical tape), but youre saying i won't get the...
  5. S

    Can't have high voltage function generator. What about low voltage Tesla coil?

    hmmm, hopefully i can just buy some suitable transformers from the internet, but if i have to build my own, i suspect 99.9% of it will be trial and error. are there any resources available to help me cut out some of the guesswork? are commercial wires standardized with universal levels of...
  6. S

    Can't have high voltage function generator. What about low voltage Tesla coil?

    I imagine after ramping up the voltage 100x, the current will be ramped down 100x, thus it will be relatively safe. I only need a rapidly alternating electric field strong enough to affect dipoles up to 5 inches away from the electrodes. I'd rather have a frequency generator than a radio...
  7. S

    Can't have high voltage function generator. What about low voltage Tesla coil?

    right, i should have specified. I am trying to get a sinusoidal wave. the purpose of this is to do a project involving dielectrophoresis, so a simple sine wave will do. I also thought about making a 100:1 ratio transformer to turn 10 volts into 1000 volts, but I suspect it will be complicated to...
  8. S

    Can't have high voltage function generator. What about low voltage Tesla coil?

    I should add I am only interested in the electric fields produced, as far as the similarities between a function generator and a tesla coil goes
  9. S

    Can't have high voltage function generator. What about low voltage Tesla coil?

    According to many knowledgeable people on the internet, an affordable "high" voltage function generator does not exist. I would have liked to have had electrodes operating at >50v with frequencies up to 15 Mhz but it seems such a function generator is out of my reach. So I want to know if a...
  10. S

    How did Tesla create such high frequency currents?

    I've read his book and he talks about AC current frequencies of incredibly high magnitudes. How was this achieved? Surely he did not just spin his dynamo really, really fast.
  11. S

    Exploring the Mysteries of Antenna Efficiency

    Thank you, i understand it much better now
  12. S

    Exploring the Mysteries of Antenna Efficiency

    Nevermind I guess I kind of answered my own question in there. A resisting magnetic force only comes up when the electrons accelerate, as in change direction. Then it moves at a constant speed throughout the span of the antenna so there is no opposing force.
  13. S

    Exploring the Mysteries of Antenna Efficiency

    I understand a changing current in a wire gives way to an opposite magnetic field that resists the induced magnetic field, until there is no change in magnetic field, then you're left with a constant induced magnetic field. So my confusion with the antenna is when an electron rapidly...
  14. S

    How can the vibrating disk of a speaker produce so many sounds at once

    When you listen to music, you hear the beat, the melody, and the vocals all at once... and they all emanate from the same disk. How does all the noise sound so separate and distinct from one another regardless of whether its a rumbly bass or a piercing pitch? This confusion comes from my...
  15. S

    How does charge pass through a capacitor in a radio tuner

    I understand that the simplest tuner you can have is a capacitor and inductor connected in series, and i understand that radio waves use AC current to send signals, and that capacitors block DC current. I think i also understand that an inductor even without an iron core experiences an opposing...