Recent content by STosh9

  1. S

    I Is internal battery "emf" a conservative force?

    Thanks cnh1995 for confirming my suspicion. Would you have any references handy that explains this more?
  2. S

    I Is internal battery "emf" a conservative force?

    First, the electric/Coulomb force set up by a battery across its terminal is conservative, and its potential is given by the well-known V. I also understand the conventional usage of emf is as a voltage potential. However, a battery does more than just set up the electric field and its...
  3. S

    Radiation from a Square Loop of Current

    It is well known that a circular loop of steady current does not radiate, even though each individual charge is undergoing centripetal acceleration. How about a loop of steady current that is shaped in a square? Does this structure radiate?
  4. S

    E-field of a moving charge at constant velocity

    Thanks. So if the charge is moving slow compared to c, then the field resembles that of a stationary charge.
  5. S

    E-field of a moving charge at constant velocity

    I came upon this page that provides the answer: But I can't figure out what gamma(u) is. Could anyone help?