Recent content by stooch

  1. S

    A If black holes never exceed a certain mass....

    So you are saying that finding multiple black holes thst are exactly the same mass is nothing special and does not in any way raise any questions? My answer to that would be that it is you who are engaging in pointless speculation... I think that I have an interesting notion that could be...
  2. S

    A If black holes never exceed a certain mass....

    Fine. How would you explain the existence of 4 or more supermassive black holes with exactly the same mass? I'm familiar with the history of black holes, i think you are getting away from the subject though.
  3. S

    A If black holes never exceed a certain mass....

    Say we find many supermassive black holes and find that many share an upper limit. My question is, does this imply that they are wormholes. Explain why his answer was reasonable.
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    A If black holes never exceed a certain mass....

    The existence of black holes was "idle speculation" at one time. What if we find 4 supermassive black holes and allshare the same mass. What would that imply?
  5. S

    A If black holes never exceed a certain mass....

    I did not postulate any limits. I'm postulating that if we find two or more black holes that share an upper limit, what would be the implication. Also your "sorry no vacancy sign" quote completely missed the point. Matter would enter the black hole just fine. It would not add to its mass because...
  6. S

    A If black holes never exceed a certain mass....

    I don't think that you understood my question. If we were to find that multiple black holes share a maximum mass, would that imply we are looking at wormholes since the mass stops growing at a certain threshold? I said nothing about maximum size of black holes, I am also familiar with Wikipedia...
  7. S

    A If black holes never exceed a certain mass....

    Does this imply that we are looking at wormholes?
  8. S

    A KIC 8462852 (dipping again in March 2018)

    You know what problem i have with this theory? It takes more resources, know-how and technological advancement to surround a star with a Dyson sphere than it is to develop a fusion reactor. Which is basically what the star would one overcome the force of the solar wind, gamma radiation...
  9. S

    Can radar detect flying animal?

    There were no tactics! the naavi won because they were supposed to. its a rehash of dances with wolves. This is a physics forum and we are talking about realistic military right? this is a ciws. it uses a combination of radar and optical tracking and can take out mortars flying through...
  10. S

    Can radar detect flying animal?

    if by tactical you mean stupid, i would have to agree. whoever was in charge of tactics should have been shoved out of the airlock.
  11. S

    Can radar detect flying animal?

    avatar had some of the sloppiest and dumbest writing ever. its a remake of dances with wolves, i can write pages and pages of how many plot holes that movie has. for one, how can "avatars" communicate with the "pods" with humans inside if all communications are disrupted? or how can naavi shoot...
  12. S

    Can radar detect flying animal?

    hi, you asked real advice because you want to write a realistic novel. Im sorry to say but your novel is going to suck balls. You are ignoring everything that is being said, just write what you think is going to happen in your fantasy world and be done with it. A dragon will never fly as...
  13. S

    Can radar detect flying animal?

    either way the dragon is screwed.
  14. S

    Maintaining Syntax Highlighting in Python IDLE

    syntax highlighting has to do with your choice of IDE and its configuration. Because we don't know what you are using as your IDE, i can't answer your question. Read the help documentaion for your IDE, I use Eclipse and its help documentation is pretty straighforward.
  15. S

    Why water boils at higher temperature at higher pressure

    not quite. its the same reason why water evaporates at low pressure and why it condenses out of gas at high pressures. I am sure that you have seen high speed fighter jets and the compression vapor trails emanating from high pressure areas infront of the airframe or sonic boom compression...