Recent content by stoney85

  1. S

    Oxygen toxicity and Hyperbaric Chambers

    I've read a bit about oxygen toxicity, and you're bang on the money 'Steamking' regarding the safety of being in a hospital environment and Doctors being present Pure oxygen is used in this chamber design, there is still the residual air in the chamber from initial start up, but with flushing...
  2. S

    Sound powered phone alternative options? Would something like this work? Might buy one and try it out, theyre designed more for guitars and musical...
  3. S

    Sound powered phone alternative options?

    Customer comfort is a priority, what usually happens is a TV screen is placed over one of the port windows for the customer to watch whatever they chose, that or they sleep or read for the 90 mins. Control from inside the chamber would present some problems, purely for the safety reasons...
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    Terry Pratchett and his creation: The Discworld

    Heard about this author a long time ago, but never got around to starting to read them,I just bought 23 books off ebay from the discworld collection, 2nd hand and cheap.
  5. S

    Sound powered phone alternative options?

    Hi, a recent career path change has put me to work with Hyperbaric Chambers, I'll be assisting in design changes, maintenance side of things, and so on. The chambers we use are 100% oxygen monoplace chambers, and one thing I'm looking at is communication to the patient, one mandatory...
  6. S

    Oxygen toxicity and Hyperbaric Chambers

    First post here guys. Very quick background which brings me to the question i have. My trade background is in the automotive industry as a mechanic, mines as a drill fitter, hobbies include flying, cars and scuba diving. Just recently i have changed career paths again, and will be...