Recent content by sthoriginal

  1. S

    Conditional probability and time series

    I really need some help here, will appreciate any effort. I calculated time series of tidal stresses. It turned out that the probability of having positive tidal stress is 0.4 and negative - 0.6 (I counted up number of hours when the stress was positive/negative and divided by the total number...
  2. S

    What is the Probability of an Earthquake Occurring During Positive Tidal Stress?

    thank you very much for all your comments
  3. S

    What is the Probability of an Earthquake Occurring During Positive Tidal Stress?

    what if these 1000 events are a sample taken from population that was used to estimate the probability 0.4 to 0.6?
  4. S

    What is the Probability of an Earthquake Occurring During Positive Tidal Stress?

    What if we only know that the probability that an earthquake occurs when stress is positive is 0.4 and 0.6 when stress is negative and we have 1000 recorded during 1 h when the stress was positive and during one hour when stress was negative. can we assume then (using the probability values)...
  5. S

    What is the Probability of an Earthquake Occurring During Positive Tidal Stress?

    thanks for your replay. please have a look at the image file i attached. you can see that for 4 h the tidal stress was positive and for 6h negative. So the probability of an earthquake happening when the stress was positive was 0.4 and when the stress was negative - 0.6. does it mean that the...
  6. S

    What is the Probability of an Earthquake Occurring During Positive Tidal Stress?

    hi I'm a physician and really need help from somebody who is good at probability. I calculated time series of tidal stresses. It turned out that the probability of having positive tidal stress is 0.45 and negative - 0.55 (I counted up number of hours when the stress was positive/negative and...
  7. S

    Stress tensor rotation/shear stress

    Hi Chat, Thanks for your reply. The slip is the direction in which the dislocation moves, usually measured from the direction of the strike (I attached two images). And what I need to do is to resolved the traction vector into its shear component in this particular shear direction within...
  8. S

    Stress tensor rotation/shear stress

    Thanks very much for your reply. I really appreciate that. I understand everything what you've just put there. the only one thing I can't get is when should I use the rake angle to calculate stress in dip direction? I know I should use these direction cosines for the normal to the plane : n=...
  9. S

    Stress tensor rotation/shear stress

    Hi. I have a huge problem and without solving it I can't move forward. I will appreciate any help. Having the stress tensor S: 163.666557052527 -63.0272557558942 0.000000000000000E+000 -63.0272557558942 70.3802282767392 0.000000000000000E+000...