Recent content by Steven Hansel

  1. Steven Hansel

    What are your musical preferences?

    I learned piano and then picked up guitar and bass. Had a lot of fun with music, it made my life more colorful and not just monotonous. worth it...
  2. Steven Hansel

    Why does the gravitational force decrease below the Earth's surface?

    That really helped me more, because of the radius decreasing as we go to the core of the earth, the mass of earth/radius into the core also decreases. thanks a lot!
  3. Steven Hansel

    Why does the gravitational force decrease below the Earth's surface?

    Wow, thanks! that really give me an insight, i was confused at the sphere part but now i understand. thanks again!
  4. Steven Hansel

    Why does the gravitational force decrease below the Earth's surface?

    Msphere = 4/3π.r^3.p i think replace M with volume of a sphere and density of the sphere? into the equation of g = 4π.r^3.p/3.(r-h)^2 Correct me if I'm wrong thanks!
  5. Steven Hansel

    Why does the gravitational force decrease below the Earth's surface?

    Homework Statement Why does gravity force decreases below Earth's surface? Homework Equations F = G (m1 m2)/r^2 F = force of gravity G = Universal gravity constant m1 and m2 = mass of the objects r = distance between two objects g = GM/r^2 g = gravity of the object G = universal gravity...
  6. Steven Hansel

    I Will interstellar travel become more possible in future

    It actually will, Elon musk invest his own money to actually improve his rockets. Falcon 9 now consistently bring satellites to space and also bring cargo to ISS. It increases the company's income. He also said that he will make travel to the Mars possible by turning down the cost to $200,000 -...
  7. Steven Hansel

    I Will interstellar travel become more possible in future

    I guess that's true. external factors like, safety, budgets, and etc affect this progress in technology. But the important thing is that we are progressing faster than before. If we have a lot people like Elon Musk, We would progress much faster. Public interest in Space Exploration is quite...
  8. Steven Hansel

    I Will interstellar travel become more possible in future

    It's like moore law but applied in all of the technologies. I think we are growing exponentially, and i believe we will also grow even more faster in the future.
  9. Steven Hansel

    I Will interstellar travel become more possible in future

    Let's say we already colonized some of the planets and moons in our solar system. Mars,Moon, Europa and etc. Planets like Mars and other has less gravity than earth, so the resource needed for space travel in our solar system will reduce by a lot if we launch spaceships there. Say, that we...
  10. Steven Hansel

    B How do you know the size/maximum area of a gravity field

    Okay, that really helped me to where i should find my answer, thanks for answering :)
  11. Steven Hansel

    B How do you know the size/maximum area of a gravity field

    Thanks for the answer, i still have one more question that i forgot to ask, why does gravitational force weakens as it get farther from a planet. I'm really confused. I also don't understand why when you get near fire it's hot and when you get away from it, you don't get any heat. thanks for...
  12. Steven Hansel

    B How do you know the size/maximum area of a gravity field

    The title said it, how do you know the size or maximum area of a planet's gravity field can cover. The reason i asked this question because from the gravity equation the r is the radius from Mplanet and Mobject. So, that doesn't explain how big is the gravity field. Is it when the gravity force...
  13. Steven Hansel

    Programs Exploring Majors: Finding the Right Path for a Career in Space Exploration

    Hi everyone, well i ask this question because my parents already asked me what to major in. Firstly, I'm planning to study overseas to europe probably to German (i'm from Indonesia) i still haven't learn the language yet but i will. Well, I'm not sure what to major. I hate biology and really...
  14. Steven Hansel

    Other If i want to work overseas, do i need to have citizenship

    Well, just asking. If i want to work in the USA do i need to change my citizenship to USA and vice versa. If so, is it worth it?