Recent content by Steve3

  1. S

    MHB Solving "Who Dunnit": Calculating Probability of Joshua McCoy's Involvement

    I posted my original "Who Dunnit" on September 6 and got 190 Views amd 0 Responses. I need help solving "Who Dunnit"."Who Dunnit" is a symbolic story that represents a series of events that actually occurred. Two distinct events, A and B, occurred. Events A and B were about a certain person...
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    MHB Cooling Off Period: Probability of Jill Retaliating Over 60 Days

    Could anyone venture a guess or offer comments on the following... Jill is very P.O.ed at something Jack did. Jill decides to retaliate. Jill's blood is boiling the day after the incident with Jack and is most likely to retaliate that day. On Day 2, Jill has cooled down just a little but has...
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    MHB Probability That Receipt Of Email 1 AND Email 2 Was Random

    Hello Jameson, Thanks for your reply to my poat! I'm new as of today so I'm still just finding my way. Did I get your name right? I clicked on Reply To Thread to get here to reply back to you; was that correct? Yes, this is a real-life situation. I appealed a decision by my insurance company...
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    MHB Probability That Receipt Of Email 1 AND Email 2 Was Random

    An issue I’ll call Issue 1 arose and prompted Event A to occur. A few days after Event A occurred, I received a virus email I’ll call Virus Email 1. The content of Virus Email 1 referred to something that is a direct outcome of Event A. Therefore, Virus Email 1 is directly related to Event A...