Recent content by stephen_weber

  1. S

    Absorption Lines from discrete energy

    I was talking about bound energy transfers. Thanks for the clear answer within quantum probabilities ;) The width of the spectral frequencies is basically the doppler effect from the kinetic energy of an individual atoms. In a molecule, there is a known electron configuration for each...
  2. S

    Absorption Lines from discrete energy

    I know that an atom "absorbs" a particular frequency of energy depending on which element and which electron in this element. The question is (for example) if we take one known emission frequency from a particular element, and use that exclusively to bombard another element for a lower...
  3. S

    How Do Tensors Enhance Problem Solving in Forums?

    Using Tenors in this Forum What about subscripts? RAB What about superscripts? RAB Write R(sup)AB(/sup) with the "(" replaced by "]" Write R(sub)AB(/sub) with the "(" replaced by "]"
  4. S

    Understanding Ricci and K Curvature in 2 Dimensions: A Simple Explanation

    I posted this in Tensor Math and after a few days worked out the answer with some help from Doodle Bob. With one detail change that schaum's book has the symmetry inverted or the contraction on the last term instead of the middle, this only effects the negative sign in the answer. So here is...
  5. S

    What is the relationship between Ricci and K in two dimensions?

    Ok I am officially finished with this question. I have followed your (I mean THE) idea about proofs. Starting with , Fact One : In n=2 ::: K=R[1212]/g where g=g11g22-g12g21 Desired Result ::: R[ij] = g[ij]*K (noting that the original negative is based on direction of curvature and...
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    What is the relationship between Ricci and K in two dimensions?

    I knew you could help. But to continue your analogy a bit about the ship. You seem to forget that once you (YOU) own a ship and know every part you just wave your hand at the new deck hands to put the chairs there. And we sigh and realize that we will be moving chairs for awhile as you have...
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    What is the relationship between Ricci and K in two dimensions?

    I forgot to mention that in your previous posts I thought you had a^b to mean b was a superscript of a. Schaums doesn't deal with wedge products or operators. So I was using it to express superscripts and mixed tensors. Did you write a^b=(1/2)(a tensor b - b tensor a) to mean that my...
  8. S

    What is the relationship between Ricci and K in two dimensions?

    If you just open this picture and enlarge it , I can be more clear You are right. Schaums is contracting R on the third variable not the middle one like you and the internet are using. I found one paper that describes your first step literally. Ric(ej,ek)=R[1j1k]+R[2j2k]...
  9. S

    What is the relationship between Ricci and K in two dimensions?

    I am studying out of this text as I am studying alone and need actual worked out problems so that I can see the uses and methods. I find that most math books (as well as physics) are geared solely for the teacher student situation. Wonderfully worked out theory in the book, but there are no...
  10. S

    What is the relationship between Ricci and K in two dimensions?

    Ok I know Doodle Bob could help me. So to take me back to the top of the list again, I'll be more clear. I am working on a problem in Schaum's "Tensor Calculus", chapter eight . problem 8.30(a). Without special symbols here if the characters in brackets are subscripts then the question is...
  11. S

    Proving the Relation Between Weyl Tensor, Ricci Tensor & Scalar

    Hey! Jim McNamara ... Excuses Excuses Jim McNamara. I was interested in his question. I find it obnoxious that someone that didn't even participate in providing him with an answer in the physics section has the audacity to chid him for being interested in asking a larger audience. In...
  12. S

    Understanding Ricci and K Curvature in 2 Dimensions: A Simple Explanation

    Thank you for that comment. I am trying to make all these curvature equations mean something to me so that I can understand General Relativity. To be dead honest I am working on a problem in Schaum's "Tensor Calculus", chapter eight . problem 8.30(a). Without special symbols here if the...
  13. S

    Understanding Ricci and K Curvature in 2 Dimensions: A Simple Explanation

    Hi, In two dimensions I am under the impression that the ricci tensor or the scalar curvature equals the negative of the fundamental tensor and the sectional curvature (K). I'd have written it out with the proper symbols but I am new to this forum and this isn't at least a complex question...
  14. S

    What is the relationship between Ricci and K in two dimensions?

    Hi, In two dimensions I am under the impression that the ricci tensor or the scalar curvature equals the negative of the fundamental tensor and the sectional curvature (K). I'd have written it out with the proper symbols but I am new to this forum and this isn't at least a complex question...