Recent content by stefanbanev

  1. S

    I Why is the speed of light absolute?

    Well, why experiment may give us a particular result or "Why any observation is possible at all?" ;o) You may consider an observation act as some predicate in some axiomatic thus, any observable reality must be consistent otherwise you can not have definite results of experiments. So, the...
  2. S

    Can random, unguided processes produce a rational brain?

    It's correct; furthermore, every subset/assembly of B-Brains (BB) which are nearly ~identical may be considered as a superposition of Everett observer; it's clear that any distances (in any time/space metrics) between such BB are totally irrelevant to have such assembly. Apparently, there is no...
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    B Gravitational Effect from Relativistic Mass: Answers & Questions

    "Tiny" for normal BH not for micro BH. The BH with 1-ton of resting mass would evaporate in seconds (if not microseconds), converting all its mass into energy with 100% of efficiency. Well, it would be a quite spectacular manifestation of "tiny" effect ;o) Regarding to ultra fast non-zero-mass...
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    B Gravitational Effect from Relativistic Mass: Answers & Questions

    Does relativistic mass make a proportional gravitational effect on observer it flies by? Does 1 ton (resting 1 ton) of lead moving relatively observer at some speed close enough to C may appear as a micro black hole? What abort Hawking radiation in this case? Does it mean that we may convert any...
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    Can random, unguided processes produce a rational brain?

    >"absurdly long time frames" May you tell how long you sleep once all watches sleep with you? >"exceedingly improbable event." If it is not an exact zero then it is doomed to be in huge quantity. From point view of Boltzmann brain the time/space (or any other metrics) distances between its...
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    Can random, unguided processes produce a rational brain?

    JW>"I would say continuity of thought." The particular orders on some subsets of snapshots of Boltzmann brains provides such continuity. In fact it may provide not only one plot but all variations of it for different orders. JW>"impermanence was also a property of Boltzmann" Sure it can be so...
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    Can random, unguided processes produce a rational brain?

    How so? You do exist, you definitely may make observations, it is inevitable property of Boltzmann brain. How you may be sure that you are not a Boltzmann brain?
  8. S

    Can random, unguided processes produce a rational brain?

    The answer to your question is YES - take output of advanced context modeling compression (like PAQ) such compressed data would look as a totally random without any patterns detectable by any (except one) statistical measures/means to distinguish it from a totally random data; yet, one...
  9. S

    B Biggest Bosenova: Milligram Range Feasible?

    Thanks for your answer... >"Scientifically, bosenovas are not that interesting..." From what I read about bosenova, there are still some unanswered intriguing observations... anyway, probably because I do not claim to be a scientist it is interesting for me... ;o) Thx...
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    B Biggest Bosenova: Milligram Range Feasible?

    Thanks for the answer ... does it mean that in your opinion to get into milligrams range is technically feasible? My question was not about if it is possible in principle; my question is - if it is technically feasible... What the biggest size Bosenova has been observed in the laboratory so...
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    B Biggest Bosenova: Milligram Range Feasible?

    >"others might wonder what a bosenova is:" It was the reason I posted this question to "Quantum Physics" but it was moved to "General Physics". Any question related to BEC apparently belongs to "Quantum Physics".. anyway thx...
  12. S

    B Biggest Bosenova: Milligram Range Feasible?

    I'm curious what the biggest size of Bosenova technically feasible. Is it possible to get into milligrams range? Thx...
  13. S

    Intelligent life other than on Earth

    Apparently Impossible... who is a judge about intelligence, the one who claims to posses such quality ;o) The ability to foresee/recognize the danger and to arrange the countermeasure is the most basic property of life. Who does it better those prevail so, no surprise that natural selection...
  14. S

    I Observable Universe Size in Different Perspectives

    I've made an explicit explanation of my point: SB>“if it is not provable then it is matter of assumption what is totally fine to make, pretty much the same as with different kind of multiverses if such assumptions help some brains to construct theories with better predictive power then it...
  15. S

    I Observable Universe Size in Different Perspectives

    >"but saying that the universe just stops at the boundary of our observable universe" Pls quote where I made such silly assertion ;o)