Recent content by steeeeevo

  1. S

    Very Basic Nuclear Reaction Q Value Problem

    Hello, I looked around before and could not find an answer to this question. So given the reaction neutron + X -> Y + gamma and we assume that both initial particles are at rest. Then using momentum balance we can find that the energy of the gamma is: Egamma = -m_Y*c^2 + sqrt(...
  2. S

    Possible to Self Teach Adanced Mathematics

    Not exactly. You are right, I have taken a few classes on analysis and some of the other advanced subjects in math, but consider I was studying how to drink water. Yes, I may have drunk a few glasses of water, maybe even a pitcher, but I want to know how to drink Lake Superior. Maybe not the...
  3. S

    Possible to Self Teach Adanced Mathematics

    Let me explain. I have bachelors in pure math (as opposed to applied math) and a bachelors and masters in nuclear engineering. I am employed as a nuclear engineer and I am happy. Before completing my masters, I did one semester of graduate work in math (I might still be there had I not taken...