Recent content by SteamBC

  1. S

    Need a mechanism for reciprocating motion

    I'm not clear as to the function of the blue wheel other than to rotate the red gear, which is what seems to be supplying the reciprocating motion. It seems in your diagram that the blue wheel's provided reciprocation is incidental and slow compared to the red which is actually doing the useful...
  2. S

    Need a mechanism for reciprocating motion

    Oops, you made your edit while I was typing my response. I'll study it carefully before replying. Again, I genuinely appreciate your time!
  3. S

    Need a mechanism for reciprocating motion

    LOL, I love the dryer idea. It would work, but naturally I'm looking to make something one step up in elegance and to learn something in the bargain. I fully understand the graph and the motion you're describing, but I'm having a little trouble envisioning the actual mechanism you're...
  4. S

    Need a mechanism for reciprocating motion

    I'm developing an automatic spray-paint shaking machine in order to achieve very well mixed paint for a big project. Since I'm using stone textured paint with lots of fibers and "Stuff" floating around in it, I'd like to go above and beyond in the shaking. Simply put, I want to roughly...
  5. S

    Is it Appropriate to Ask for Ideas on Mechanism Design?

    You will find that I'm absolutely dripping with humility. I'm very proud of that fact! ;) Seriously, though, I'm here to learn and I'm glad I found this great forum. Brian
  6. S

    Is it Appropriate to Ask for Ideas on Mechanism Design?

    Awesome! I'll work on the explosives secretly, just like you guys are doing. I love the signature - "Full flaps!", LOL.
  7. S

    Exploring a Career in Mechanical Design with Math Aversion

    Hi Lisab, Let's put it this way... I'm old enough to get Gout, because I have it now! I'm just a kid to most of my elderly customers, but to quanitfy it, I'm 53, although an extremely young 53 (most guess me to be in my 30s). I think I'll go to youtube and look at some math tutorials...
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    Exploring a Career in Mechanical Design with Math Aversion

    Thanks for the in-depth reply, fasterthanjoao. What does a tech guy do at university? What is the typical education level and process for them? Are they in charge of creating student designs? To answer your question, I'm very comfortable with computers as I own a network design/computer...
  9. S

    Is it Appropriate to Ask for Ideas on Mechanism Design?

    Thanks, guys. I just removed the pipe bomb from my checklist. ;)
  10. S

    Is it Appropriate to Ask for Ideas on Mechanism Design?

    @lisab, Thanks for the warm welcome!
  11. S

    Is it Appropriate to Ask for Ideas on Mechanism Design?

    Ok, I guess I'm on safe ground then. Thanks.
  12. S

    Exploring a Career in Mechanical Design with Math Aversion

    I'm in a weird place in life, and I thought I'd throw my dilemma out on the table to see if anyone has any advice. I have been considering re-educating myself and getting into some branch of mechanical design, because I have a very high aptitude for and love for all things mechanical. I'm...
  13. S

    Is it Appropriate to Ask for Ideas on Mechanism Design?

    Hello, I'm an amateur inventor without a formal mechanical engineering education, and I've been looking for a place where I can pose a question asking for ideas on how to achieve a certain motion, or how to design any mechanism to achieve a given purpose. I haven't had time to lurk here...