Recent content by starz_above

  1. S

    Dropping a mass directly over the north pole

    Thanks to all for their comments. Much appreciated.
  2. S

    Dropping a mass directly over the north pole

    Your assumptions are correct. Thanks for putting it clearly.
  3. S

    Dropping a mass directly over the north pole

    The mass is also subject to the sun's gravity. When I said no external forces I meant to say no air resistance and it isn't pushed in any direction when it's released. Apologies for not being clear. As i understand it, the trajectory of the mass would also be some kind of 3D spirograph...
  4. S

    Dropping a mass directly over the north pole

    The mass has inital zero velocity wrt the earth. To clarify, the mass is placed at a certain height directly above the north pole, then it is released to fall without any external forces being added and falls just due to the Earth's gravity. So initially both the mass and the Earth are...
  5. S

    Dropping a mass directly over the north pole

    I understand that the mass and the Earth will be in the same orbit and hence have the same velocity. However if the mass lands on point A, then doesn't that mean the mass must have a higher velocity than that of the Earth in order to land on point A since it takes x amount of time descend. If...
  6. S

    Dropping a mass directly over the north pole

    You're right. Let's say it takes about 35 seconds to land on point A.
  7. S

    Dropping a mass directly over the north pole

    I was thinking whether the Earth's orbit around the sun would have any effect. If the mass falls directly onto point A after 10 mins, what causes it to stay above point A as it falls given that the Earth is traveling at a tangent below it?
  8. S

    Dropping a mass directly over the north pole

    Hi all, I'd like to understand what would happen to a mass which is dropped at the north/south pole. Let's say you raised a mass to a certain height over a certain point, which we will call A. Point A is at the center of the north pole. The height at which the mass is raised is such that...
  9. S

    Momentum in a mass resting on the Earth's surface

    What would cause the instability if initially the bar was balanced on the surface of the earth?
  10. S

    Momentum in a mass resting on the Earth's surface

    Hi all, I'm trying to understand how the forces can modeled in a mass which is resting on the Earth's surface. Please see attached diagram. It can be assumed that the mass is fixed to the bar and that bar is free to move where it is resting on the Earth's surface. According to my...