Recent content by ssqq

  1. S

    A Pair of interacting systems, driven coupled harmonic oscillators

    Regarding the cheating question: the system should evolve toward a stationary state in which each system has a different frequency oscillation. Either system needs to be able to attain either frequency, depending on initial conditions or random noise. The controller seems like cheating to me...
  2. S

    A Pair of interacting systems, driven coupled harmonic oscillators

    Thank you so much for responding. Here is a diagram to illustrate what I mean. The two systems are ##X_a## and ##X_b##. I changed the spring indices to avoid confusion. I also realized that it didn't make sense to drive both masses in a given system with the same driving force, because that...
  3. S

    A Pair of interacting systems, driven coupled harmonic oscillators

    Because ##k_1## is the stiffness of spring1 and spring3, i.e. ##k_3=k_1##--the springs attached to the wall have the same stiffness
  4. S

    A Pair of interacting systems, driven coupled harmonic oscillators

    Question: I am working with a pair of systems, each of which is a system of damped, driven, coupled harmonic oscillators, and I am trying to figure out what parameters—if any—could result in each system resonating with a different frequency. I’m wondering if anyone here has any intuitions...
  5. S

    Do Mass and Energy Share Vibrational Properties?

    does it make sense to say that the reason mass is energy is because they are both vibrations, which are distinguished because they occur on different spatial and temporal scales? and can position-momentum uncertainty be conceptualized as a frequency-amplitude uncertainty?