Recent content by squeeky100

  1. S

    Light Speed Consistency: Puzzling Questions

    The concept of light speed being constant is puzzling to me. For instance, if a space vehicle is moving through space at near light speed (~c) and emits a light ray at speed c, does the light ray move away from the vehicle at speed c or is the separation speed (c - ~c) ? (Ignore constaints that...
  2. S

    Big Bang Questions: How Did Earth Form?

    My very limited understanding of cosmology and astronomy comes from TV programs such as 'The Universe'. But, I'm curious about what existed before the Big Bang. Obviously, something - matter, energy, atomic particles - had to be present to cause the Big Bang. Has matter always existed ? Was...
  3. S

    Understanding Time Dilation in Relativity: An Example

    Yes, I misstated the example, and you clearified it nicely. What prompted my inquiry was one of the TV program series Universe concerning light speed and future space travel. Does time dilation and contraction effects imply that near light speed travel might significantly reduce the elasped time...
  4. S

    Understanding Time Dilation in Relativity: An Example

    I have only a layman's understanding of Relativity, and I'm somewhat confused about the time dilation concept. The only way that I can think of to ask my question is to present it in an example. A spaceship moving at a constant .9 c traveses the distance between two inertial reference...