Recent content by spurserh

  1. S

    How can a hohlraum prevent laser fusion instability?

    I should have realized where the confusion was - I was talking about a probability distribution over time, not fixed per "ignition". But it sounds like the likely conclusion is right - that there is no material that can scatter the lasers [into different arrangements] that quickly? For a...
  2. S

    How can a hohlraum prevent laser fusion instability?

    " Your method doesn't give the results you are trying to get. Once the lasers are in place they are fixed for the given shot so their placement is worse than distributing them as evenly as possible. " I was talking about distributing them evenly, and asking why we keep them fixed as opposed...
  3. S

    How can a hohlraum prevent laser fusion instability?

    Oh! You got me! I am really from Iran and I want to destroy your homeland. Muaaahahahaha All I need to know is how to scatter the lasers in my football-field sized fusion facility and my plan for world domination will be complete! You see, I want to build a new Ignition Facility and drop it on...
  4. S

    How can a hohlraum prevent laser fusion instability?

    That's interesting, but again, unless I'm missing something, it doesn't seem to have much to do with my question? In other words, what I'm wondering is why we don't scatter the lasers into an even probability distribution so that imperfections are smoothed out. Is it because imperfections in...
  5. S

    How can a hohlraum prevent laser fusion instability?

    I understand that, but I am under the impression that that sort of perfect "spatial targeting and timing of the lasers and laser pulse shape" has yet to be achieved. My question, really just a thought experiment to help my own understanding, is why we don't just accept the imperfection and work...
  6. S

    How can a hohlraum prevent laser fusion instability?

    I don't actually mean a spinning source; that's just a way to think about it. I have no idea how it could actually be done - or are you saying that it simply can't be done theoretically for such a short time?
  7. S

    How can a hohlraum prevent laser fusion instability?

    Hey everyone, I am not knowledgeable in the field of physics, so please excuse me if my question is obvious or poorly worded. I have found myself reading recently about various Nuclear Fusion research, and just now I came across an overview of fusion contained by lasers, specifically at the...