Recent content by splooj

  1. S

    Solving a Model Trebuchet Problem - Physics Coursework

    sorry to keep bumping this, but I know I'm never going to get an answer sat half way down page 2.
  2. S

    Solving a Model Trebuchet Problem - Physics Coursework

    But surely while - yes - it would fall at the same speed if it was on its own, the effect of the projectile + projectile arm, acting in the OTHER direction around the pivot/fulcrum, will mean it moves slower? (also note that the projectile arm is much longer than the counterweight arm) not...
  3. S

    Solving a Model Trebuchet Problem - Physics Coursework

    sorry for the double post but i thought i had this figured out when i still haven't (sorry). When I do this, in each equation (1/2mv^2 and mgh) I use the mass of the counterweight as 'm'. I couldn't see a way to factor in the mass of the rod without it getting very complicated, due to the...
  4. S

    Solving a Model Trebuchet Problem - Physics Coursework

    you honestly have no idea how much that helps. thankyou xD EDIT: how do i change the title to [solved] ?
  5. S

    Solving a Model Trebuchet Problem - Physics Coursework

    Thankyou very much xD I follow all of that fine except i don't understand how I get the rotation rate.
  6. S

    Solving a Model Trebuchet Problem - Physics Coursework

    (I ignored the template because it didn't really seem to fit my problem, sorry about that) I'm currently doing a coursework assignment investigating the how the range of a model trebuchet varies according to the mass of the counterweight. Its pretty basic stuff (especially compared to a lot...